Chapter One

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Sophia sighed as she waited on the little planet. Sitting in a little cage, being watched by Galra soldiers. She sighed and tried to reach her bag. She only wanted to get a hairpin so she could pick the lock. But of course, it had to be grabbed up by a Galra troop member.

"Just what I needed," she said and sat down on the metal floor of the cage. She shut her eyes for a bit, before hearing a clicking noise. She looked to find a... a guy??? He was picking the lock, before it clicked open and the door swung open, nearly knocking the paladin off his feet.

"Ow," he said. No, wait a minute... that's a girl!! Sophia nearly fell back as she stumbled to get up.

"Sorry!" she whispered quickly and helped the paladin up.

"It's fine. I'm Pidge by the way," the paladin said. Sophia nodded.

"I'm-" she was cut off by a yell. A Galra soldier spotted them.

"Great!" Sophia yelled and ran after Pidge as she hurried to a large green lion.

"No way. Are you the paladin of the green lion? Part of Voltron!?!" Sophia asked once they were a safe distance from the planet. Pidge nodded as she landed the lion on the castleship.

"As I was saying, I'm Sophia Hill," Sophia replied as they came face to face with the other paladins. Sophia sighed and looked at all of them.

"You know my name," she said softly, holding back a bit of red on her cheeks. Each of the paladins introduced themselves and then went off to do their own thing. Except for one.

"So, how did you find her, Pidge?" Lance asked. Pidge didn't answer him, just walked off, leaving Sophia and Lance in the room alone.

"Uhm," Lance said quietly. Sophia waited for him to speak, before sighing and turning to find a place to sit and thing.

"I'm gonna go somewhere quiet," she said and left the room. She walked for a little while, before sitting down against a wall and pulling out a notebook. She started to lightly sketch as she thought about what she was gonna do. She didn't know any of these people. She didn't know what to say or do.

"Don't mind me," Pidge said, sitting beside Sophia. Closing her notebook, the girl looked up at her friend. Pidge fixed her glasses.

"Are you okay?" she asked. Sophia nodded and stood up. I'll be fine. Sophia looked at Pidge as she got up and followed her to a dining room. All the others sat there, waiting. Sophia took a seat and looked at the food. It wasn't what she had expected. It was something made for her like everyone had been waiting for her. She looked up at Pidge, then across the table at the others. They had already started eating. She began to eat and enjoyed how it tasted. But something nagged at her. How did Pidge find her? It was unusual for the paladins to be alone. She bit back the urge to ask, afraid if what she said confused the others and made her explain. She put down her fork, looking at the food before her. She had lost her appetite.

"I'm gonna... Uhm... Can someone show me around?" Sophia finally managed to speak. She felt awful for pulling someone away from dinner, but she wanted to know the layout of the place. Keith, wearing red, stood up and nodded. Sophia followed him and looked back at the others as they kept eating. But she didn't say anything as the two walked through the castleship. When they had finished, reaching the training room, Keith offered to help her but Sophia declined it.

"I'm just gonna go get some rest. It's been a long day," she said, turning and hurrying to the place set to be her bed. Sitting on the bed, she let her wings unfurl and she looked at herself in the mirror.

"What am I?" she asked her reflection. She didn't receive an answer, so she closed her eyes and laid back on the bed, feeling sleep crawl into her body.

"I suppose, goodnight," she whispered to herself, before letting sleep take over.


Sophia sat up and shook her head. One look at the clock told her what time it was. 8 in the morning. She sighed and quickly brushed her hair, before looking in the mirror. Her wings still were settling down, before fading away all together.

"Thank you," she said softly and headed out to get breakfast. Everyone was already eating when she got there.

"Morning!" Lance said as she sat down. Sophia still wasn't completely used to the greetings. She nodded to everyone and started eating, listening to everyone talking about last night. Everyone but her. She stayed quiet.

"How did you sleep, Sophia?" Keith asked looking up at her. Sophia met his look and looked at the others, before lightly poking her food. She took one last bite.

"It was fine. A little rough since I'm not used to this place like you guys are," she replied, continuing to eat. She heard everyone continue talking. She finished eating and got up, before walking back to the empty room from yesterday. She sat down and pulled out her notebook, writing in it. She didn't like the noise since it made to much of a ringing in her head. What am I? What am I? That's all she could think about. She sighed and got up, before slowly walking to the training room. She took in everything around her. The white walls and the gentle air around her. The quiet sounds of her footsteps following behind herself. But she didn't care. She was happy with her thoughts. All but one, but she pushed it away.

"Focus, Sophia. Just think about the present. You shouldn't worry about what you are. You're human," she said, before stepping into the training room. She took a breath and let it out, calming herself as she thought.

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