Chapter Eight

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Sophia opened her eyes and gasped at the sight before her. Forest spirits forced to obey Daimon's every order. Sophia herself sat upon a silver throne, her wings closed and pressed close to her as she watched.

"Now this is what I was hoping for!" Daimon said, sitting on his throne beside Sophia. She looked at him and he met her gaze, smiling. Sophia looked away and forced herself to think. There is no way I can fight him, he's too strong. Sophia found, sitting on her lap, a little notebook. Her notebook. She opened it and flipped through the pages, stopping on the sketch of her gemstone. She shut it and set it down as Daimon got up and growled. Sophia looked past him and saw her mother being dragged towards the thrones.

"Now, I suppose it's time I get rid of you," he said, stepping down to stand before the frail woman. Sophia got up and stepped closer as Daimon prepared to kill her flesh and blood.

"Leave her be, Daimon," Sophia said, making the shadow turn to look at her. He forgot about the nature queen and slowly walked to Sophia, who took a step back as he approached. Sophia cried in pain as Daimon grabbed her wrists and pulled her close.

"Don't talk to me like that, Sophia," he growled. The young girl could barely fight back, her words the only ammo she had.

"Just leave my mother alone," she hissed back. Daimon growled and tighten his grip. Sophia winched but didn't look away from him. Daimon pushed her down onto her throne and walked back towards Sophia's mother, waving the guards to take her back to her cell. Sophia watched as her 'husband' sat beside her again, biting back her tears. She could hear something, someone talking to her.

You will fight him. You are strong, my sweet girl. Fight him with your love for your mother, your friends. Fight with your love of me, sweetie.

Sophia looked at Daimon and growled softly to herself. She thought of her friends and her mother, two people she cared for. Memories of her father filled her thoughts and finally, she started to whisper the soft song her father had taught her.

"What are you doing?" Daimon's voice tried to break her thoughts. Sophia kept on singing, her voice growing louder. Daimon Let out a screech and grabbed Sophia. She gasped and cried in pain as he threw her to the ground. She coughed and sat up, trying to catch her breath, before she started singing again. She felt something grab her, before a sharp pain rush over her back. Her wings were gone, leaving her nothing again. She kept singing, biting back the pain as Daimon yelled at her to stop. Finally, Sophia heard silence and whispers of shock before she collapsed onto the cold floor.


Sophia woke to find herself lying in a soft bed, wrapped up in fluffy blankets. She sat up carefully, moving her hand up to her neck, finding her necklace lying there safely. Looking around, Sophia found a mirror. Climbing out of the bed, she walked towards it. Her wings had been restored, bandaged up and kept safe from the weather. Sophia had a few cuts on her arms, but she was perfectly fine.

"You defeated him," a voice startled her. Turning, she found her mother standing there, restored to her natural beauty. Sophia began to cry and hugged her mother, the warmth radiating around her.

"Mom... Mommy..." Sophia could barely form the words, "I wanna go back to my friends."

The warm embrace changed to a cool breeze before Sophia was wrapped in hugs once more. She calmed and returned the hugs, opening her eyes to find Keith and Lance smiling at her.

"I'm okay.... He's gone," she whispered before Keith carefully kissed her cheek and nodded.

"Come, you need rest," he said, taking her hand. Lance did the same and the group headed back to the ship. Sophia thought about what had happened, before smiling as Keith lead her to her room.

"Thanks, Keith," she said, the door shutting as he left. She touched her necklace and pulled it off, setting it down and climbing into bed, laying back and going to sleep

Sleep tight, my sweet Sophie. Sleep crawled over her as she nodded to herself, feeling her father's spirit cover and tuck her into bed.

"Goodnight, Dad," she whispered and fell asleep.


Sophia looked up at the ceiling and sighed as she thought. With her notebook in hand, she had gone into the library to read and think. Of course, the room was deadly silent apart from the sound of paper and steps as Sophia looked for the right book to read. She sighed and thought about what she needed to do for the day.

"Sophia! We got a mission! Shockingly it's on earth!" Lance called to her. Sophia hurried to join him and the others, being caught up quickly before they headed out. Sophia let everything go as she listened to the others talk. She carefully messed with her wings and flicked her gemstone a few times. This mission was strange. It was resonating with her gemstone and making it flicker every now and then.

"Sophia? You alive?" A voice caught her off guard. She nodded at Lance and flicked her necklace again.

"Sophie? Is that you?" A voice asked, making Sophia turn. She gasped at who stood there.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2018 ⏰

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