Chapter Six

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"Promise me you will care for her," a voice said.

"Alright," Another said. The girl sat in her room, hearing a door shut before hers creaked open.

"Daddy?" she asked, sniffling and hugging her father tightly. Her father held her close in his arms and gently stroked her head.

"It's alright, baby," his voice soothed her shaking and fear.

Sophia woke with a small gasp and looked around her. It was dark and rather quiet. She stood up and walked to the doors, looking around the hall.

"You were out a while ago, Sophia. Everyone went to bed, so you should too. Come on, you can stay in my room for the night," Keith said, startling Sophia. She blushed and took Keith's hand, following to the red Paladin's room.

"Thank you, Keith," she said, hugging him. Keith blushed a little and kissed Sophia's cheek.

"You're welcome," he replied, climbing into the bed and smiling as Sophia did the same. She snuggled close to the paladin and closed her eyes, falling asleep in his arms. Keith smiled and fell asleep, holding Sophia.


Sophia sat at the table and ate, looking up every now and then at Keith, who was being quiet. Everyone was talking about something that happened last night. But Sophia and Keith shared a blushing look due to last night. Sophia took hold of her necklace and got up, heading to the library to grab some books to read. She looked through the books and grabbed the spirit book, along with some other fact books. Looking through them, Sophia noted everything about herself and the spirits that were the same. Apart from the clear difference of her human half, she was nearly the same.

"A little girl all alone. With wings of green and a heart of gold." Sophia looked up in silence as she listened to the mocking tone.

"A gem so pure. A girl whose half and half. She thinks she's oh so sure."

"Who are you?" Sophia asked.

"No one to you my dear. Just one thing that knows your secret. Soon enough, You see my premiere!"

"Who are you?!?!" Sophia called to the empty room. Laughter surrounded her before the whole space went quiet. Sophia shut the book and picked the others up, hurrying to get out of the library. She looked back towards the library, yelping when she ran into something.

"Sorry!" she cried, looking up at the blue paladin. Lance gently pulled her up and grabbed the books.

"Something wrong, Soph?" he asked. Sophia was ready to say that some disembodied voice had mocked her, but she kept her mouth shut and shook her head.

"No. Nothing's wrong," she answered softly, blushing a little. She took the books and walked past Lance and past Pidge. Both of them watched as she stepped into Keith's room and shut the door. Sophia softly sighed and turned to look at the red paladin laying on his bed. He obviously didn't hear her enter since he didn't look at her.

"Keith?" Sophia whispered, making the paladin look at her. He sat up.

"Something wrong?" he asked. Sophia nodded and sat on the bed, clutching the books to her chest.

"I was reading when a voice started to mock me. And then it stopped and left me in the empty room," she said softly, starting to feel her fear boiling inside. Keith pulled the books out of her arms and brought her into a hug.

"It's okay. It's okay," he said. Sophia called down and smiled. She grabbed the notebook and showed it to him. Watching as he looked at the page of notes she had just made, Sophia couldn't help but feel love for him. Keith nodded and looked up at the young girl. But her eyes were dull.

"Sophia?" he asked.

"Daddy, why do you have to marry?"

"To give you a mother again, sweetie."

"Okay, Daddy!"

"That's my happy girl."

Sophia shook her head and looked at Keith.

"Sorry. Another thing happened. Those flashback things," she said quickly, before grabbing one of the books.

"Do you want me to stay with you for now?" Keith asked as the girl started to read. Nodding absently, Sophia read and read, blushing as she felt Keith wrap his arm around her shoulder and hold her close.


Sophia followed close behind Keith as they headed to the main room. Something was going on. It wasn't Galra; as Lance had informed them about the mission when he got them.

"Of course it can't be. We defeated them," Keith said, sternly glaring at Lance. Sophia sighed and walked over to Coran.

"What are we dealing with?" she asked, taking charge before Shiro entered.

"Not sure. But what we do know is that something is going on down there on that planet," Coran replied, sighing as Lance and Keith began to argue.

"Great," Sophia whispered to herself, before pushing between the two.

"Stop it, both of you, alright?" she said quickly and sternly. She followed Pidge out of the room and to the lions, hopping into the green lion with her friend. She let her thoughts fade away as the lions headed down to the planet.

"Okay, guys. Let's watch our backs this time," Keith said. Sophia heard Lance scoff.

"And not run off like last time too," he said. Sophia bit her lip and held in a growl.

"Let us just focus on this, Lance," she said, looking at Pidge.

The surface of the planet was green and blue, with creatures abundant. Sophia stepped out of the lion and onto the surface, sighing as she took a breath.

"This is the start. Come on, let's figure out what is going on here," she and Pidge said. They shared a look, before starting to head off with the others. They left the lions behind but never left the chance of attack slip out of their grasp.

"A group of friends. A single honeycomb. Welcome, dear humans. To a fun time." A voice rang out around them. Sophia yelped as the darkened shadows formed a human shape. Life sprung into it and the spirit laughed.

"And here we are, at last, Sophia. Meeting properly for the first time," it said, dipping its head at her. Sophia growled at the shadow.

"Who are you? What are you?" she asked it.

"My name is unimportant. But I am the thing your mother feared. The darkness that was trying to win. Your mother defeated me, but I came back to get you. Once I have you as my bargaining chip, your mother will be no match for me!" It laughed and wrapped dark vines around the group.

"Let us go!" Sophia shouted, yelping as the shadow pulled her close.

"Not a chance, darling." It replied before Sophia was pricked by a thorn.

"Ow! At least tell me your name! Please!" she begged, starting to bleed. The shadow sighed, seeing the girl's persistence.

"Fine then! My name; girl; is Daimon," it said, slowly smiling as Sophia struggled to get out of the vines.

"And let me make you a deal, child. I'll let you and your friends out of my vines if you guide me to a gem of magical powers. Or else, I can kill them right here and right now. Very slowly too," Daimon said, making Sophia whimper and stop moving.

"I'll...... I'll do it. Just let us go," she said softly, looking back at her friends. They didn't make a single objection.

"Good." Daimon said, dropping the group, "Let's get moving!"

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