Chapter Two

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"You okay? You're a little out of breath," Lance commented while he and Sophia headed to the main room. She took a breath and picked up her pace. Once in the room, she looked up at Allura. Everyone else had been told about the mission. Lance had filled her in on the way there.

"Sophia, I want you to join them. You may pick which lion to ride in," Allura said, before looking at Coran.

"Alright," Sophia said calmly, before choosing to ride with Pidge.

"Thanks for letting me. I need to be away from the boys," she said, following Pidge. The green lion roared and followed the rest.

"Alright. The first mission of the day, explore and protect this planet. If needed, kick some Galra butt!" Lance said over the static. Sophia shook her head and checked the planet's atmosphere.

"Breathable air, mostly Oxygen," she told the others as they landed. Heading out, they headed off, leaving the lions and the Castleship behind. They continued to explore, ready to fight if needed. But nothing happened.

"This is a very quiet planet," Sophia said.

"Yeah, way too quiet," Keith replied. Lance and the others looked back at the two as they looked at each other. Sophia didn't seem to care, since she hurried back them and continued on. Shiro followed, looking around. Sophia, tired of the slowness, rushed on ahead. The last thing she heard were the others calling after her.


Sophia groaned and slowly opened her eyes. She was up with a sudden start. She was trapped in a cage again, her bag missing. She felt like breaking down, like crying.

"Hey! She's okay!" Sophia turned to find Lance and the others in another cage. Why am I separate from them? No no no! Let me out! Sophia trembled a little, before turning and nearly falling back.

"I figured I might find you here," the Galra troop leader said. He chuckled and turned to talk to his troop. Sophia sat in the corner and hugged her knees. She felt her wings slowly trying to break free. And she let them. She could hear everyone gasp and some Galra chuckling, but she didn't see them. Her wings wrapped around her, protecting her from the outside world. She could hear everything, but she let the comfort of her wings get to her and she cried. She cried even as her cage was left with the other. She heard the others trying to comfort her. But she cried and shut them out. She sniffled and cried.

"Leave me alone. Leave me alone," she seemed to beg. Letting her feelings well up, she looked up to find the cage being opened by a Galra soldier. Sophia yelped as she was pulled out of the cage and tossed to the ground. Her wings folded and she whimpered in pain.

"Please... Don't hurt me," she begged. The Galra leader laughed and Sophia whimpered in pain as ropes were tied tightly around her wrists.

"You're gonna help us find this gem," he said, showing her, "Or your friends die." Sophia looked back at them and her eyes widened at the threat.

"I'll do anything, just leave them alone," she said, looking at the Galra leader. He chuckled and said he would make no promises.

"Sophia, are you crazy!?!" Lance yelled. Sophia ignored him as best she could before her wings vanished.

"No. I'm doing this because I can't let you all die. I don't care if I have to, I can not let you die," she said, holding her head high as she looked at the Galra. They didn't care, just put her back in her cage. And she sat there, waiting. Just like when I first met Pidge.

"Well we can't let you die," Pidge said, trying to think of a way out. Sophia shook her head and thought about everything she could. What am I? It came back from the hidden file in the back of her mind. And it pinned itself to the front.

"Just shush. Let me think, okay? We'll be fine," Sophia finally said, pulling her hands out of the rope. After all this, she just wanted silence. Time to think about that question.


Sophia sighed as she looked at her friends. She find it interesting how they got along. Of course, they had to. It was part of being a team, a team of people who were there to help protect the universe. And Sophia was the odd one in the small group. Even if they were trapped, Sophia didn't mind the company.

"You holding up okay?" Keith asked, sitting beside her. Sophia nodded, hugging her knees.

"Just thinking, that's all," she replied quietly. Keith didn't leave her side, both of them listening to their friends. They were all talking about Earth, their old homes. Sophia had barely known any life other than her own. She was always in her own little world, dreaming about space and the universe. Never about anything else. She had been homeschooled most of her life, making high school, and eventually going to Garrison a bit difficult to handle.

"Did you like school, Sophia?" Lance asked, looking at the quiet girl. Sophia nodded.

"For a while, being homeschooled was fun. And then going to a public high school terrified me. I couldn't make friends, so I was the lonely outside who didn't know very much. I was always dreaming, so school was difficult to get good grades in," Sophia said, sighing as she closed her eyes.

"I guess the main thing is, I just wanna be back with my family, alone and dreaming." Sophia heard mumbles of agreement before she opened her eyes.

"Maybe we should change the subject? I don't like talking about my life before now," Sophia finally said, waving away the memories. The others nodded and started to talk again, Keith and Sophia the only ones not speaking. Finally, something clicked in Sophia's mind. If she only knew her human life, then what was she? Why had she not gotten a chance to see her other half?

"You shouldn't worry about whatever is bothering you," Keith finally said, looking over at the young girl. Sophia met his gaze before sighing and turning away to look blankly at the wall. She wanted to worry about it, but Keith was right.

"I guess you're right. It's not worth worrying over," she said, sitting up properly. Keith nodded and closed his eyes. Sophia let her thoughts calm down before she did anything else. This was a new start for her. If this led her to the answers she wanted, she would follow it. 

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