Chapter Three

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A bump made Sophia wake from her sleep. She looked up and sighed, getting up as the door opened. She growled softly as she and the others followed Galra soldiers on the rusty colored planet. Sophia looked around and took in everything. It was rather windy, blowing her light brown hair to the side and into her face. The surface of the planet had patches of green growing in again, trying to take over the rusty red. It was nearly a barren landscape, but the ship had landed near a cavern. Sophia bit her lip and the small group headed right inside. But it was only a long tunnel leading out to the other side of a mountain. So they headed back to the ship and back into a dimly lit room.

"That was so much fun. I can't wait to do it again," Lance joked, leaning against the wall. Sophia looked at him and sighed, before sitting down and hugging her knees.

"I don't get this," she said, getting up. The ship rocked back and forth, and the door opened quickly, releasing the group of heroes.

"Come on!" Shiro said, racing out. Everyone followed, hurrying to the lions. Once out of reach and safely aboard the castleship, the group took a breath and made sure everyone was there. Sophia, however, was far from okay. She was out of breath and clearly dazed. Lance and Keith quickly helped her to her room, laying her in the bed.

"I should stay with her!" they said at the same time. Both sighed and headed out as Sophia slept.


Sophia declined eating lunch, and instead sat at the table silently. She looked at her notebook and sighed, before writing something down. No one spoke to her, only showed their concern. And Sophia didn't care. She sketched and drew silently while the others ate. Finally, Pidge broke the silence for Sophia.

"You have to talk to us. You can't be silent forever. Come on, we can help you with anything," she said. Sophia looked up at Pidge with dull purple eyes.

"If you can answer the question of what I am, then you can help me. But I don't believe you can, so just drop that okay?" she replied. She felt harsh for not asking for help.

"I'm sorry, I just don't think it's worth anyone helping me. I will find out soon enough anyway." With that, Sophia got up and walked back to her room. She shut the door and gently pulled out her phone, messing with it so she could listen to music.

"Since you've been gone, I've been singing this stupid song to ponder," Sophia softly sang along, headphones on. She looked up at the ceiling, laying on her bed. As her music played, she let her mind wander and closed her eyes to think.

The wind blowing lightly over the land. A man stood on a hill and a young girl beside him. Taking her hands, he gently set a small gem in the palm of her left hand.

"With this, you will be something you never knew before. And this will help you blend in better with the world I'm sending you to. From now on, I want you to think of yourself as an angel who has been flawed. When the time comes, you will have to face those flaws," the man said. The young girl nodded and took the gem happily before waving goodbye to the man. Her father. He hurried off and the girl ran back to her mother. And then they were gone.

Sophia opened her eyes and shifted, looking at the ceiling once more. What was that? She got up and turned off her music, then headed to the main room. Everyone was doing something, so when Sophia entered the room it went dead silent.

"Can... Can anyone tell me something?" she asked, looking around the room. They all nodded for her to go on

"What does it mean when you have a... I suppose a vision of when a father gave his daughter a special gem?" she questioned, looking up from her hands. And Allura spoke up.

"It must be a memory! Something like that happened to you when you were very young meaning you didn't remember it until now," she said. Sophia bit her lip and blushed a little as Keith and Lance hugged her. She pulled away gently and smiled at them before she kissed them both on the cheek.

"Thank you guys," she said and smiled happily, before going to a table to sit and draw. And both of the paladins she kissed began to fall for her. And however she dreamed about it, both boys loved her to the point they would soon be fighting over her. But for now, Sophia drew what the gem had looked like. Almost a near tear-drop like shape in a beautiful golden color. She didn't recognize it as a normal crystal gemstone shape. More like it had been cut into that shape.

"That's not normal," she whispered, before getting up and grabbing a book. Not caring if the others were watching her or not, Sophia flipped through the pages 'til she landed on Golden Beryl. The gold color and the images of a cut piece of Golden Beryl; in a teardrop form; was the same as her gemstone from the dream.

"That's what it was. Golden Beryl. But why that?" she whispered to herself. She kept reading about the gemstone, before smiling weakly and writing over the sketch; Golden Beryl Gemstone.  Taking a breath, she looked at the meaning of a Golden Beryl gemstone in dreams. But she couldn't find a single meaning. Only about the sun and other things. She sighed and closed the book, looking at the sketch she had drawn.

"What do you mean?" 

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