Prom? 4/18/18

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I wish to take you to a dance

On your wish, not for romance

Here are ten reasons why I believe

If you go with, you will not grieve

First, let me say, dancing is fun

We can dance outside with the sleeping sun

Don't be ashamed if you don't know how

I can teach you some fun, then we'll take a bow

Second reason you should go

If you don't you'll never know

We always regret what we don't do

More than what we already knew

Three, I think you'll be pleasantly shocked

To do something that you originally blocked

Life isn't lived within the comfort zone

And you may realize you like dances, mind blown

Four, If you go I'll make a promise

Any of my fears that I hide for bliss

You choose the one that I will face

I'll do so at your decided pace

Five, my dear, you deserve a treat

To reduce the stress of some scholastic feat

A night out is something so rare

Instead of being with homework in your lair

Reason six, out of all I dare you

So go and have fun and stop feeling blue

Some time with friends you won't just have me

We can bring Squiggen too and have us three

Seven is simple, I like you a lot

Don't worry though, I know I don't have a shot

But really it would give me such a smile

If you'd get all dressed up with me in a fancy style

Number eight, not to be conceited

But my all around style can't be repeated

I'd be dressed up pretty, as is fate

And be quite a fun and beautiful date

Ninth of all it's only three or four hours

And the corsage and boutonniere would be the only flowers

It's only a dance, and before maybe food with friends

Then you can go home as our night in Athens ends

Finally we've come to reason ten

Maybe it's greedy but I don't want other men

I want you to be the one dancing by my side

With you I know I could proudly stride

So these are my reasons, hope it works

Because I'd love to go with you and all your cute quirks

If needed I'll even talk to your step dad and mom

So what'd'ya say? Will you go with me to Prom?

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