Dress Code 6/6/18

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I should dress

However I please

Not dress covered

So attention I don't seize 

Mini skirts, tight tank top shirts

But not everyone will stare

The sexist dress codes

Are so out dated and unfair

Personally I dress for me

I don't really care who looks

I catch someone's eye as I'm walking by

That shouldn't be a reason for the books

I want to dress how I feel

Not be strung to expectations

Girls are being caged

Because of someone's stupid frustrations

Others may look but that's not on me

So why am I the one penalized

It seems in a lot of schools

A certain gender's education is over prized

So what if my shorts are short,

And my shirt shows a little stomach

Maybe it's really hot outside,

I didn't ask to be called thick

My education matters too

I want to get through school

But there seems to be a stereotype

That beauty is equal to fool

Maybe I wouldn't be so foolish

If you just left me in class

Maybe then I'd get to learn

And all my classes I would pass

If they can't focus because I'm cute

They're staring so it's they're fault

What are they suppose to do

If beauty walks by when they're an adult

We should celebrate our differences

Our beauty and all our flaws

Instead of hide ourselves away

And for someone else, put our style on pause

We are strong, we are beautiful

And we should be allowed to be our own

We should all live for ourselves

Not just live in your comfort zone

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