•4• Making Promises

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A/N - So all my friends who are also writing the summer series are making lovey dovey scenes. So hey, why not attempt to make one.

Katheryn's P.O.V

After we played in the water, it was about 3 pm. "Brendon and Sarah must we worried." I said. Bailey nodded in agreement. "Whatever, as long as I'm with my Jae jae I don't care what we do." Kenzie flipped her hair over her shoulder. We walked for another 3 hours and found a campsite.

"LOOK ITS A CAMPSITE!" Wyatt pointed out. This one was smaller than the rest; a small fire pit, 2 benches, and a mini map right next to it.

Alyssa and I ran over to the map and examined it closely.

"It doesn't even show the whole map!" Alyssa complained

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"It doesn't even show the whole map!" Alyssa complained.

"But we can compare." Kenzie whispered as she slid the original map in front our faces.

" Kenzie whispered as she slid the original map in front our faces

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"We came from the Channel Drive Parking." I said.

"Which is on the other side of the map." Kyla pointed out.

"We are very close to Lawndale Parking. So maybe we can get a ride from there?" Bailey said.

"With what money?" Alyssa asked with a hint of "were a group of kids stuck out in the middle of nowhere' voice.

Wyatt pulled out a $20, Jaedan held up a $10, Blake found $3.82 in his pocket, Jake pulled out $50 from his wallet, and Kenzie took out her $20 iTunes gift card. "You were saying.." Kyla said." We can rent a hotel and use part of that for food and ——" off went Bailey planning out what to do with money that's not even hers.

As we made our way down to the Lawndale parking lot, we heard voices from a far.

"How much longer till we get to the Marsh?" A female voice called out.

"About three to five hours." Another female voice answered.

We all looked at each other and moved on. "We're not going to their designation so let's just ignore them,"

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