•18• Reunited

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3rd P.O.V

Katheryn and Alyssa were coming back from the Apple store. The two girls walked to their car and got in. Alyssa drove while Katheryn sat in the passenger seat, starring out of the window. She noticed a girl in a pink dress, but something seemed odd about her. Her arm was bent in an odd angle.

"Hey can you pull over?" Katheryn asked while gathering her stuff and tossing it in the back. Alyssa raised her eyebrow, "why?"

"Just do it!" Katheryn argued while Alyssa tugged the car against the curb. Katheryn got out and walked towards the girl.

"Kyla?" She whispered, while examining the sleeping body. Alyssa came around the corner and paused, she stared at the condition the girl was in. "Holy shit, that's Kyla!" Alyssa realized and squatted down. She tugged and shook her to wake her up. Kyla's eyes fluttered opened but then squinted shut back. "Ahhh the light!" She cried while blocking her eyes. "Yep that's Kyla," Alyssa confirmed. The two of us grabbed each of her arms and dragged her into our car.

"Let me go! Kidnappers!!" Kyla Screamed. "Kyla it's Alyssa and me, you idiot." I shushed her. She opened her eyes again to see the two girls placing her in the car. "Uhhh, hi!" She smiled. Alyssa rolled her eyes and shut the door.

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Baileys P.O.V

"Thanks for today!" I said to Charles as we pulled into my driveway. "Uh, no problem. I was kind of thinking if you would like to be my girlfriend?" He asked nervously, while fiddling with his thumbs." My heart raced as I grabbed my stuff. "S-sure." I stuttered while getting out. I waved good bye as he drove out.

Once I walked into my house, my phone rang. I picked it up to hear Alyssa's voice.

"Come to our house, we have Kyla."

I hung up and grabbed my keys and bag, then racing out the door. After I got into the car, I turned on the ignition and pulled out of my driveway. I hope she's alright. But most importantly, where did she run off? Is she hurt? What happened... The drive to Alyssa and Katheryn's house wasn't far, so it wasn't a shock that I was already pulling into their driveway. I hopped out of the car and knocked on their door. The door opened to see Katheryn standing there. She opened it more so I could make an entrance. And there was Kyla, asleep on their couch.

"Is she alright?" I asked. She laid there in Alyssa's pajamas, it looks like she has freshly wrapped bandages, and her hair was wet. "Yeah, she just needed a shower and new bandages," Alyssa explained. I sat down and sighed in relief. "Has she told y'all what happened to her yet?" I questioned. And all I got were nods saying no.

A wonderful time skip because I'm bored with this part and y'all already know what happened

August 23 - 3 days after Katheryn's birthday and 4 days before Alyssa's birthday
At the Urie House
The three girls finished up their month in New York
And college will start soon
So they plan to have a huge party to celebrate both Alyssa and Katheryn's birthday
And, to celebrate a good summer
But I hope they're prepared for what's about to happen

Find out more in the sequel

Guys, I ended this book because A-I was getting bored of it. B- I need new ideas C- I fell in love with this one book and I wanted to write something similar to it and D- I'm very slow at updating. I'm gonna try my hardest to update some of those little romance stories like baileys and soon Kenzie's.

But yeah, if you guys need to tell me any info on your "character" that you've changed, just let me know. I need to know if you changed boyfriends or if you changed your age or not etc.

Thank you, this book was a blast to write!

678 words

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