•10• The Airplane

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Alyssa's P.O.V

Once we made our way into the building, a lady in a black suit came to us.

"Hello, welcome to Calibridge! May I see your ID's?" She asked. Brendon pulled out four lanyards with ID's that read VIP

"Have a nice stay!" She said and opened a door. Brendon walked through first, leading the four of us. There was a huge buffet and lots of people. They weren't just ordinary people, those are celebrities! The first person I noticed was Liza Koshy. My jaw dropped as I saw my favorite YouTuber talk with this one girl. Brendon notices me and walks over to her. He tells her something and motions me to come over his way. I look around to see if Katheryn's around, but she's probably off drooling at one of her favorite celebs. I make my way towards Brendon and just smile at Liza.

"Hey! It's ya girl Liza! Comin' at cha'!" She said giving me a side hug. I just kept an excited smile, not sure what to say. In my mind, I was freaking out. I'm not the social person, I'm the awkward nerd practically. "This is Alyssa, she could be nervous at times," Brendon said, trying to end this awkwardness.

"I remember my days when I was nervous...... to reveal that I'm a girl and not a little boy," Liza snorted.

"This is Lili Reinhart, a close friend of mine." Liza gestured towards the blonde. She smiled and gave us a little wave.

After meeting like 40 celebrities, I found Katheryn and ran over to her. She was with Jaedan and some other kid.

"Hey Alyssa, look who I found!" She said, pointing to Kenzie's boyfriend. No wonder why Kenzie was upset about us leaving.

"Why are you here?" I asked Jaedan. "You see, since I'm now considered a celebrity, I get to come to the celebrity parties," he said. I was about to ask something else until a lady interrupted me.

"Welcome to the 28th Annual Calibridge Banquet!"

(Im only skipping ahead so we can get to the juicy parts.)

•3:48 pm•

We headed back to our hotel room with certificates, small trophies, and full stomachs. I pulled out my phone and checked all the text messages I got.

Kenzie - When are you coming back? 10:15

Kenzie - are you dead? 10:29

Kenzie - if your dead can I have your room? 10:31

Bailey - Charles hasn't texted me in two days 😫😫 11:03

Kenzie - Jaedan isn't answering his phone 🙄🙄🙄 11:27

Kyla - I got harassed by another middle aged man 1:38

Kyla - he had a beard this time 1:39

Kyla - and this old lady was right next to him 1:40

Kyla - he had a snake tattoo and it was creepy 1:40

Katheryn - hi 2:57

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