•5• Hotel Hell

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Katheryn's P.O.V

After 3 hours of walking, we finally made it to the parking lot.

"Finally!" Bailey sighed.

We walked up to the parking lot and Wyatt pulled out his phone. He called an Uber as we put together all the money we had.

"40+2+30+10=82." I said. "We have 82 dollars that we have to spend on food, chargers, a place to stay, and transportation," Bailey said as Wyatt removed his phone from his ear.

"The Uber will be here shortly," he informed and we sat down, waiting for our ride.

After waiting ten minutes, a silver Honda came up to pick us up. Wyatt sat in the passenger seat and Blake, Alyssa, and I took the back seats. Our driver had a scary long beard and wore jeans with a red T-shirt that read 'AC/DC'.

"Where do you kids want to go?" He asked with a deep voice.

Wyatt pulled out his phone and showed him the hotels address. The man nodded and drove us to the hotel.

"So how old are you?" He asked. "I'm 19, Alyssa is 18, Blake is 17, Bailey is 17, and Katheryn is 16." Wyatt said.

"Are y'all all siblings or what?"

"Blake and I are twins, and Alyssa and Katheryn are sisters." Bailey informed.

"Then whose this kid?" The old man asked pointing at Wyatt. "Me?" Wyatt confirmed.

"Well who else am I pointing to." The driver mumbled.

"Oh I'm Katheryn's boyfriend and I'm not related to anyone in this car." He said.

The man just smiled and shook his head.

When we arrived at the hotel, we thanked the man as Alyssa paid him $10.

"Now, before we walk in, let's plan this out. Since Alyssa and I look the oldest, we're gonna get a room with two beds. Then we'll sneak you two from the back." I said making sure everyone is understood. I ignored Alyssa's weird face and grabbed her. I dragged her with me to the lobby. A woman with short golden curls came up to the counter.

"Welcome to the Hillbunk Inn, What can I do for you two, cupcakes!" She exclaimed as her curls bounced.

"Uh yeah, can I get a room for two?" I asked. "Sure thing, sugarqueen!" She smiled and started typing stuff on her computer.

"May I see your ID?" The lady asked. I looked at Alyssa as she slid her school ID and her drivers permit. She took the cards and typed in more information. When she was done she slid the two cards back with a two room keys. "You're in room 274," She said as we grabbed the keys and headed to find another back exit. We went out it and ran to the rest of the group. "Follow us," I commanded and we all went to the back door. I took my key and slid it over the black key reader. The light turned green and I opened the door. After sneaking in, we walked to the elevator and pressed floor 2.

"What room?" Wyatt asked.

"274," Alyssa said as the elevator doors opened.

There was an ugly maroon carpet with floral walls. It looked like a grandmas house in here. There were old painting of people that were hung on the wall, collecting dust. Once we found our hotel room, I slid the card and opened the door. There was more floral print and small bathroom to the right. The wardrobe was replaced with a pole in the corner, with hangers dangling on it. We walked in to find two twin beds with granny blankets.

"Did a grandma design this hotel?" Alyssa asked with a hint of sarcasm in her voice. I set my stuff down and rolled out my sleeping bag to the left of the left bed. Alyssa did the same but on top of the left bed. Bailey took the right bed. Wyatt rolled out his sleeping bag between the two beds and Blake rolled out his to the right of the right bed. I walked into the tiny bathroom and took a quick shower.

After I took my shower, Alyssa and Bailey did the same. Alyssa showered while Bailey unpacked. Then they switched. The guys just sorted out stuff and chatted.

Once we were all settled, we walked over to Dollar General, it was right next to the Inn so the walk wasn't that far. Wyatt went to grab a charger, Bailey and I went to go grab snacks and drinks, Blake and Alyssa played in the toy section.

After our little shopping spree, we walked back to the hotel and unpacked. Since we had no refrigerator, we put all our food in an empty drawer.

Sorry that this chapter is only 800 words, I was gonna make it Kenzie's point of view but then I wanted to make a chapter of all of us getting drunk, so I decided to make a funny chapter. I'll try to make it up to Kenzie and friends.

839 words

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