3: Here Comes Trouble

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My first thought if my new room was that it lacked personality.

The walls were white and so were the furniture. The only speck of color were the rose pink throw pillows on the bed. I rolled my eyes at it and took out my paint supplies from my luggage bag, grabbing a few cans of spray paint and my brushes.
I looked around; smiling at the white wall behind the bed, the perfect canvas.

I shoved the bed away gently, pleasantly surprised that it had wheels and set to work on a simple red, black and grey cheetah print design. I looked at the reference photo on my phone and set to work on the outline. I prayed that my cans of paint arrived tomorrow.

A knock shifted my concentration a bit and I pulled my hair into a ponytail after yelling a quick "Come in!"

"Jaxson wanted to know what you wanted for dinner....," my mother paused and I could sense her frowning. "Charollet must you do that? The room is beautiful as is."

I glanced at her briefly and raised my eyebrows, finally showing my annoyance, "You dump a new 'Dad' into my life, moved me from my friends and everything I knew and now you want me to drop my art?"
My voice was level and dry.

She looked away and sighed, "No honey, but you could at least try to draw or paint on an actual canvas."

I looked away and continued drawing the outline on the bottom half of the wall, not able to reach the top without help, "If I'm going to stay in this house, at least part of it has to represent who I am."

Mom took a deep breath and shook her head at me, "In that case, the rest of your supplies are here. Jaxson decided to let you have your own room for art. They are in there. It's downstairs, and has a beautiful view of the garden."

I rolled my eyes and kept painting the outline, "Isn't that sweet of him? Please express my appreciation for the thought. I'm still painting this room though."

Mom left in a huff.

She didn't expect me to trust him that easy did she?


A/N: yaaaaay, she finally has a name.


(Later that night)

Kaine's POV:

I stood outside the iron gate of the mansion. It was beautiful, in a very typical way and I silently wondered how many families lives got destroyed to purchase this?
I didn't try to go inside, I just stared. He was the reason I had become what I am.

Don't get me wrong, I already killed the men who killed my parents.

I tortured them each for hours, taking out my frustration on their pathetic forms until their screams bored me.

But that was back when I let my anger rule me. I wasn't sorry for killing them. I was sorry I lost my humanity that night.

Because this wasn't a revenge story, this was about saving lives.

Those men were street level muscle and Jaxson McGrath was just another step on the ladder to the top.


A.N: OK so a friend of mine loved the super hero storyline so I'll stick with it and see where it goes. I have many ideas for this story and let's just say that Kaine is a bit.....different from the normal supers.

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