4: And Into the Gates of Hell We Go

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Someone please tell me how the White House hasn't picked up on that torture method and banned it for being too...inhumane.

I rolled out of bed and glanced at my phone reading the time with a grimace.
My new school started at 8:30am and I had four whole hours to get ready.

Curse you internal clock.

I put on my glasses and rummaged through my luggage bag for my contacts, with them I won't be fixing these glasses on my face every second. I headed to my personal bathroom, a feature of this house I actually appreciated, and took a quick shower, washing my oily hair in the process.
I wrapped myself in a towel and left my hair to air dry. I put my contacts in and bushed my teeth, humming a tune to myself.

Unlike most teenage girls, I loved what I saw in the mirror. My brown hair was half way down my back and framed my slightly round face perfectly. My eyes were a beautiful grey that brightened my features. My body was OK. My stomach could be flatter and my breasts were barely a size C. My ass was nonexistent... Well at least I didn't see it, but the perverts who liked slapping my ass did.

You can guess exactly were I kicked them.

I dried my body, moisturized and dragged on my underwear and exited the bathroom, which, of course, was connected to my room.

I opened my suitcase, looking for something that didn't require ironing. I chose a flowy red skirt that was about mid thigh and dragged on some opaque dark blue stockings. I found a white shirt that wasn't crushed and tucked it into the skirt, pairing it with a dark blue blazer. I grabbed my brown leather ankle boots and put them on.

I was ready for it.


Breakfast was uneventful.

Mom and Jaxson talked and giggled. I smiled and grunted appropriately.

I thanked him for the art room, my sarcasm stronger than my appreciation, and hurriedly ran out while Mom informed me of the driver Jaxson had waiting for me.

Pulling up to school was....refreshing.
Turns out Jaxson chose a school that didn't have uniforms, probably remembering what mother said about my.....opposition to clothing regulations at my last private school.

Scholarship or not, I don't do well when I can't express myself.

I hurriedly thanked my driver, reminding myself to ask him his name later and rushed into the building.

I was early, and the students that were there hardly glanced at me, too busy trying to wake themselves enough to begin the day or catching up with friends.

I looked for the administration office, wondering around until I found it, with a little help from a friendly student who pointed out the way.

So far, so good.


Well.... I updated this chapter unfinished..... But I just wanted to say that you guys surprised me. I didn't think I'd get 20 views much less 43...especially not in less than a month. And not just on this book but the other two I currently have. Like why would anyone read what I write? I'm not a good author much less great, I'm just a girl with ideas. But I guess a thank you is in order for actually giving this book a try since I don't know how this will go. I have several scenarios for this book and you may all stop reading at this very chapter. It was a happy surprise though.

You people seem shy though lol.
I mean, no comments on any of my books and I can't help but think that views mean nothing if u all hate my story. I've been there, I've read books and hated them but kept reading and then wondered "What the hell did I just do with my life"....
I wonder if that's what you're thinking...

In any case, happy reading and thanks for the surprise.

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