"Sigh, whats with people and calling me a hero?"

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"Keep still! I'm trying to destroy you!"

I looked at the guy with my best you've got to be freaking kidding me face.

"Dude... Do I look like I want to die?" I kept dodging his attacks, smirking to myself. Bad guys get really irritated when you stop them from robbing banks.

I was fighting Pyrotech, a fire wielding villain, just in case you couldn't guess from the name.

He was currently trying really hard to fry me and was successfully missing me every time.
I didn't spend my spare time practicing gymnastics for nothing.

"Hunter! Are you OK?" Leo's voice sounded in my ears as I landed rather harshly on my side, painful groan escaping my lips.

"I'm fine Lee," I rolled to the left to avoid being barbecue. "He hasn't even hit me."

"Stop showing off and focus!"

I rolled to the side, successfully evading a column of fire and quickly jumped up, prepared to dodge as I smirked at Pyrotech.

He screamed at me in frustration. The columns of fire shooting from his hands were getting more intense as his anger rose. The angrier he got the hotter the flame, but he couldn't keep that up forever.

I waited patiently for my moment.

It came when he finally paused to take a breath, stumbling on his feet, his energy running out. I ran at him as fast as I could, dodging his fists as he tried and failed to land a punch.

I slid between his legs, grabbing them as I went and helping him to the ground, where he landed face first with a loud thud accompanied by the sound of his nose breaking.

He yelped out in pain and I got up, shocking him with a small dose of electricity, enough to knock him out.

I took deep cleansing breaths, resting my hands on my knees in the normal recovery position as noise buzzed around me.

The police had kept the fight contained; setting up barricades a block away from the bank. People stood behind the barricades, including reporters who kept yelling my name to get my attention. I looked up and groaned in annoyance as one broke through the barricades.

Fehrra Geraldine from channel six news.

I despised the busty red-head with a passion. She was always just...there. She was the same reporter who had captured my darkest moment and she was still documenting me to this day.

She just didn't know it.

I got that she was just doing her job, but the sight of her gave me flashbacks I'd rather forget.

I took off quickly as she walked towards me, flying higher as she looked up, yelling something into her camera. I flashed a smile and gave the crowd a salute, making my way home.


I realised my parents were missing out on a lot when I wanted to learn to shave.

I remember Harley walking in on me in the bathroom when I was thirteen. I was sitting on the bathroom floor sobbing into my hands, gripping a razor.

She was scared out of her mind until she realised the problem.

She had knelt before me and whipped my tears, hushing me softly and she stood me up and offered to teach me. We were the only ones home and I remember her gently putting me in front of the mirror and handing me the shaving cream, telling me to put it all over my jaw and cheeks... She even grabbed a razor and shaved with me... Showing me how not to cut myself.

It was one of the best memories I had of my life. That was when I knew it would all be ok. I realised I could live without my parents...

I smiled at the memory as I took off my suit, shoving them into my bag pack. I hopped into the shower, taking my sweet time before stepping out, wrapping my lower half into a towel and running to my room. I checked the time, rushing to put on my grey sweat pants and a white V neck shirt. I settled onto my homework just as I heard the front door open and close.

"Kai! We're home!"

"I'll be right down!"

I rehearsed the lies in my head, mentally readying myself for the possible questions.
Harley and I left the grave yard at 1:30 pm.... She went to work, I went to buy lunch and walked around for a bit... After that I got here and have been in my room since.

I hopped out of bed and made my way downstairs.

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