32-Mrs. Specter

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Three weeks later...


I awoke to soft, familiar, sheets, and the morning ray's of sunlight trickled in through the white curtains. I had to blink a couple of times and shake away the remaining glimpses of a dream. The sheets had never felt more amazing against my nudeness and I took some time to enjoy it.

You're getting married today, Caroline. The sound of my own voice in my head was foreign and my eyes widened. Then a deep, satisfying feeling grew in my belly. I could compare it to going over and down a hill too fast in a car. An actual giggle left my lips and I sat up in the bed. At this point, every morning, I would look over to see if Sol was beside me...not this one. The white-as-snow rose peddles that covered the bed had my immediate attention. Funny, I had not remembered putting that in my Wedding Day agenda.

I picked one of them up and rubbed it between my fingers. Real rose peddles. They almost felt like silk. Just like my fiancé to be so...extra. But hey, I was so not complaining. This was romance. Really, what I wanted to do was lay back down and call him back to bed but I was sure that would piss our wedding guest off because if that happened...we would be late to our own wedding.

Glancing at the clock, I crawled out of the bed I had been sharing with Him for so long and headed for the bathroom straight away. In exactly eight hours I was going to marry Sol Specter. It was a day I had never really imagined would come. When I reached the big mirror in the bathroom I stopped to look at myself. My hair was a brown mess...in a bed head, hard-sex-all-night kind of way. My eyes dropped passed my breast to stare at the little bruise that was bellow my ribs. My Sir was notorious for biting. I didn't linger there long...I was way ahead of schedule and I wanted to keep it that way. It was a pain to feel rushed.

It didn't take long until I was standing under the refreshing pebbles of hot water that ran down my body. I was glad I had gotten a wax, shaving was so not something I wanted to worry about today. Needless to say the shower was quick. After the water was cut off and a towel was wrapped around me, I left the bathroom. This time I could hear faint voices inside the condo that I couldn't quite make out. My mother was supposed to be here this morning...and Liv and Sol's mother. Not the one that birthed him.

We had only discussed Davina once in the last three weeks. Sadly it didn't have anything to do with the past...it had been agreement to invite her to our wedding. Baby steps and that had been a good place to start. I definitely had hope where Miss Blake was concerned. As I stood in the walk in closet that stored all of our attire, I came to realize that today would be filled with white. The lingerie I chose to wear under my wedding dress was simple. A strapless bra and a pair of panties made up of silk and lace. I stood in front of the mirror as I put them on. Later on, before I changed into my gown, I would slip into a pair of thigh high nylons.

"You're awake." I had moved to the other side of the closet and was looking through my clothes when Sol's large body took up the doorway. He was so attractive and suave...a true aristocrat. He so made my heart pound inside of my chest.

"I am." My reply came out a little winded and I turned back to my task. So many skirts and dresses to choose from but I went with the more logic attire; Jeans and a sweater. It was December, where the air was wet, the wind was icy and biting. From the corner of my eye I seen him start over. I had to swallow past a lump in my throat...but it really wasn't from sadness. There were a million amazing emotions going through me right now and it was a bit overwhelming.

When Sol reached me he turned me by the hip and pulled me against him. He is going to be my husband. That was enough to make me wanna fist his shirt and kiss him hard. I just watched his eyes jump around, all over my face and down at my breast. He truly did make my heart race. "You know you aren't suppose to work on your wedding day, right? You do know that...don't you?" I sighed softly and reached up to run my palms along his chest. When I looked back up at him he was smiling, very handsomely and in a boyish way.

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