Hey! So I went completely inactive for like two years because of well a lot of reasons. Now that I'm back I read over this story and would love to continue it however I have grown as a writer and no longer find the parts I have written to be any good and I want to change the plot slightly. Soooo that leads me to a question. For anyone who is actually reading this, how many of you would like for me to write a new version of this story? It would have most of the same characters and would still be centered around Jessica's trip to Disney but the plot would be changing slightly and the characters would get more of a story. I guess I'm really just trying to ask, who would read it? I know this story has gotten most of its publicity thanks to my lovely little Jessie but did anyone enjoy it enough to read a new updated version? Leave a comment with your answer to let me know and I'll hopefully see you soon. Bye my lovelies!