Scared and ignored

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(next day,about to enter school)(also may have a trigger warning)

Amelia slowly stepped out of the car,followed by paperjam,Error and ink.The group entered the school together,but splitted apart once they found were they were going.Leaving Amelia alone in the hallways,trying to ignore all the scared glances and angry glares from other students.

This was all because of the bunny thing isn't it?

Everyone was scared or angry,were they going to ignore her and run away or be angry and try to pick a fight and bully her. Amelia speed walked to her locker,still trying to ignore the glances and glares she felt.When she arrived at her locker she quickly opened it and grabbed her books needed.

Carefully shutting the locker,she hurried of to the only place where she had a friend,the library.Amelia arrived at the library doors,she pushed them open and stepped in.A smell hit her,it was the smell of books and dust. 

Amelia walked to the desk where goth was at,she chucked her bag on the floor and smiled.Goth was seated there reading,but her quickly noticed amelia standing there.

"Oh hi,Amelia"he said smiling,Amelia waved smiling back.

"What's brings you to the library,you rarely come here?"Goth asked,and shut his book closed.

"o-oh ,i needed to be with a friend and avoid all the glares in the halls"I explained to him,he hummed understanding.

Goth obviously heard what happened between Amelia and bunny,the word was spreading through the school quickly.It seemed like everyone knew who she was now,everyone now thinks she is a very dangerous person and they should stay away from her,other wanted to bully her and prove their strength.

Goth and Amelia started to chat for the time being,some people wondered in not noticing her.Soon the bell rang,meaning Amelia had to go to class,she did not want to though.She wanted to stay in the library away from everyone,and just talk to goth.

But she had to go to class,at least she had art first with ink.She waved bye to goth and quickly walked to the art classroom,trying to hide herself.She sat at the very back like always,Ink was here already.Students piled in and sat down,people noticed her and started to gossip.

What did bunny and her gang do?

It seemed like everyone knew what happened,everyone will hate her now.Amelia looked down at her art book and hid herself away from others,her eyes teared up but she quickly blinked them away.

Class went on like normal,ink marked the role,told everyone what to do,and taught some tricks about art.Soon the class was over meaning history was up next,She just wanted to go home and cry.

All through history,she was zoned out and scribbled on her work. P.e she sat out and ignored everyone,astronomy went like history.

Lunch came and she put away her books,with her hood up she quickly went to the roof.Away from everyone else,she curled up on the wall and started to cry.She could hear everyone's little comments as she walked in the halls.

'Ew she's so ugly'

'She cant even control her emotions'

'Her parents are lucky,they don't have to see her anymore,they would be so disappointed haha'

She did not eat her lunch,she just cried.Everyone had to do this thing in drama,she sat out and made up excuses of why she did.Music she just zoned out and thought.

Soon the end of the day came,she was silent the whole trip home.When they got home,she ran upstairs to her room without a word.Amelia curled up on her bed and started to sob again,thoughts circled around her head.

'It's true i am ugly,no one should have to see me'

'My would parents probably hate my existence,and wish that i was not theirs if they were still alive'

Amelia wiped her eyes with her sleeve and sat up,she looked at the bathroom.

'No i shouldn't'

Thoughts swirled around in her head,should she or should she not. She shook her head and hit her head on the wall repeatedly,making the walls rattle.

She screamed and cried,pulling at her short hair.A knock echoed through the room,but that did not snap her out of her crying.More knocks were heard,and a bit of yelling.

"AMELIA,OPEN THE DOOR"someone screamed,she was not bothered to listen.They banged on the door trying to open it.Suddenly the door opened revealing ink and paper jam,Error was out maybe.

"Amelia. . ?"Ink asked her,not noticing her head bleeding,paperjam did though.

"Dad her heads bleeding?"he said and pointed to her head,ink gasped and ran up to her.

"Amelia show me your head,whats wrong?!?"Ink said,Amelia turned her head the other way and chuckled.

"Why do you care anyway,why would you care about an ugly girl like me?"Amelia spoke up,with tears flowing down her cheeks and her eyes red and puffy.

"Amelia your none of them things,of course i care about you"Ink said and hugged her,she did not hug back and just cried.

"U-uh i'll go get the first aid kit!"Paperjam said and ran to the main bathroom,grabbing the first aid kit and sprinting back.He handed it to ink,and sat down on the bed.

Ink grabbed out some stuff and dapped it on her head,them bandaged it up.He set it aside and looked at amelia,he smiled sadly.She started to slowly close her eyes,and fall asleep.

"What's gotten into you sweetie,where's your normal hyper self?"he asked the sleeping girl,as he started to walk out with paperjam following.


Im sorry for such a egkjljgbhvdcsnqjhn chapter,it just had to be done!


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