Chapter 6

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        We arrived at Caddy within an hour or so. We exited the truck and began to walk away when all of a sudden, our little helper decided to make conversation.

“So where are you guys headed now?” his face was flush from the sun behind us.

I stared up at him in the truck. He looked monstrous from down here.

“Seal Park” Heath stated, shocking me.

That was a random pick, and we were definitely not heading there. What was he up to?

“Oh, I see. Well have a nice rest of your day” he seemed to be thinking hard as he drove off.

I stared at Heath in disbelief. He just shrugged his shoulders as I raised an eyebrow.

“Man, he’s going to be pretty pist when he gets to Seal Park and we’re nowhere to be found” He concluded with a smirk. I just rolled my eyes and laughed.

That’s my Heath. Always thinking on his feet.

The ground was colder here, not as fresh. The people were quieter, duller. Their faces were blank, not even a glistening eye in the sunlight was seen.

“Something’s different. It’s as if everything is gray and in slow motion.” I said, looking around at the cloudy windows and dusty billboard signs.

I then noticed a girl. She was in the corner of a parking lot shaking vigorously. Only thing that made her stand out was that she was glowing. Her skin and her clothes were bright and blinding. She was the only person with color, and I wanted to know why.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2014 ⏰

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