Manager's Son

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Winter and the boys are on their dorm chilling because It's their day off,While Namjoon is reading a book his phone rings.

"Hello Managernim?"

"Namjoon-ah I know you and your members are in your day off but can you do me a favor?" Manager

"What is it Managernim?"

"Can you please baby sit my son for today? Me and My wife are going to celebrate out anniversary"

"Aigooo of course managernim,Happy Anniversary to the both of you"

"Waahhh Thank you namjoon-ah I'll bring my son their in 10 mins"

"Arasso arasso"

When he finish the phone call he calls his members and gather to the living room.

"Hyung why are we having a meeting It's our day off" Tae said

"Yeah Tae is right" Jimin said

"Managernim is going to celebrate his and her wife their anniversary"

"So...." Yoongi said

"So we're gonna baby sit his son"Namjoon said

"waaah jinja?! I'm so excited!" Winter said happily

"Waaahh we're having a baby in the dorm yay!" Tae said

"Yeah so we need to clean the dorm "

And by that they started to clean,Winter and Tae are the most excited to baby sit.
A few minutes later they hear their manager entering their dorm.

"Annyeonghaseyo Manager nim" The boys said (he's not winter's manager the boys and winter's manager are separate)

"Hello boys Hello Winter,Thank you for giving me this favor and by the way this is my son Jihun"Manager said while holding his son's hand who seems shy

"Hello boys Hello Winter,Thank you for giving me this favor and by the way this is my son Jihun"Manager said while holding his son's hand who seems shy

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He's so cute right? 😍😍😍

Winter immediately walk towards Jihun and greeted him.

"Annyeong Jihun-ah do you know me?" Winter said kneeling down to him and having the same level as him.

"N-ne y-your Winter noona r-right?" He shyly said that made winter smile

"Yes I am winter noona,do you wanna play with me?" She said while laying her hand towards him and he immediately grabs it

"Yes yes I want to play!" He said

"Let's go!"Winter said and run to the living room with Jihun and his bag full of toys.

"By the way boys thank you again for doing me a favor" Managernim said

"No problem managernim" Namjoon said

"Enjoy your date today managernim" Jin said

"I will Jin-ah" He said while smiling

"Bye guys take care of my son okay"

"Don't worry managernim your son is in good hands" Hoseok said

"Hi Jihun-ah wanna play with me?" Tae said

"Ne! But noona is playing also okay?"

"Okaaaay" Tae said and they start playing his toys.Jimin joined them and the others,While Jihun is busy playing with his toys Jungkook sit beside Winter.

"Noona?" Jungkook said while winter is happily playing with jihun

"Noona!" Jungkook said again and by that Winter notice him

"Oh what is it kookie?"

"Give me attentiooooon" He said with a baby voice

"Aigoo is kookie wants my attention?" She said while pinching his cheeks.

"Noona I'm tired" Jihun said

"Here come to me" She said while spreading her arms,Jihun sit on Winter's lap while winter is hugging and singing some lullaby songs.

"Here come to me" She said while spreading her arms,Jihun sit on Winter's lap while winter is hugging and singing some lullaby songs

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"GUYS LUNCH IS REA----" Jin was cut off by the boys

"Shhhh hyung he's sleeping" Tae said

"Oh sorry by the way let's it" Jin said and go back to the kitchen.

"How about jihun?" Winter said

"Let me put him in my room since my bed is nice and comfy" Yoongi said and lift jihun in a bridal style and walk to his room.

"Noona since Jihun is sleeping can I have my attention now?" Jungkook said while smiling widely.

"Of course but I have to make sure that he's peacefully sleeping there go eat your lunch first" Winter said and walk to yoongi's room.

While she's entering the room she saw yoongi fixing his bed to make Jihun comfortable.

"Wow he's a deep sleeper" winter said and walk towards jihun.

"Like us?" Yoongi said that made winter chuckle

"Yeah hahaha,Let's go eat?"

"Kaja" Yoongi said about to leave.

"Wait I forgot something" Winter said and go back to Jihun and kissed his forehead."Sweet dreams little boy" and by that she walks towards yoongi.

"Can I have a kiss too?" Yoongi said with puppy eyes.

"Of course" She said and kissed him on his cheeks.

"Let's go I'm really hungry" Yoongi said happily and hold winter's wrist while walking towards the kitchen.

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