Don't Give Up

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She smiles and walks through the garden. "So did you grow these?"

He nods and walks behind her "I did. On my own." Light shines through the leaves of his garden, the flowers many colors and a few apples on the ground.

"That's impressive..." she crouches down by some flowers and touches them lightly, afraid to hurt them. "It's so beautiful. I love it!"

He smiles "Do you? I'm glad. I worked very hard on it, and it was good that I had a lot of time to do so." She stares at the flowers, her eyes shining brightly. "You had to have been here a while. How in the world haven't I found this before?" She grins, standing and walking around a bit bore, taking in everything with joy.

"I live deep in the woods, and I tend to keep myself hidden..." he watches her blankly.

"And it is a small garden... I did not expect anyone to find it..."

"Right." She glances to him and smiles. "Well I'm glad I found you!"

He blinks "... Why? Were you not terrified of me? Are you not afraid now?"

"Now? Well it wouldn't make any sense to be." She rolls her eyes, looking to the side. "You're a friend, remember?"

"I still don't understand that..." he jumps into a tree swiftly with one hop. He grabs an apple then drops down.

She watches him with interest. "How did you..."

He looks at her "Because I am what I am, I can run faster than any man and lift five times as much. My agility is also better than the average human." He tosses her the apple.

She catches it and turns her head slightly. "No." She smiles curiously . "You're kidding me, right?"

He stares at her seriously, "... no.... I speak the truth..."

She turns and looks at him with excitement. "Could you show me?"

He tilts his head to the side "What do you wish for me to show you?"

He tilts his head to the side "What do you wish for me to show you?"

"How fast you can run, how strong you are, anything." She remembers the scientist. "Of course, only if you're willing."

He nods once "I would. But I still can not trust you are not telling the world of me."

Her smile fades a bit but stays. "Right... I get it."

He stares at her blankly for a moment before turning and punching a tree, the sound erupting through the forest. There is a creak then the tree suddenly crashes to the ground. He turns back to her with a grin "Was that enough?"

She pulled her hand up to her mouth, grinning behind it. "Heavens!" She laughs. "You're freaking super man!"

He tilts his head, looking confused, "Superman...? No... I'm Morbus...." he looks at the tree "Needed wood anyway..."

"Is that all you wished to see?" He turns to her, his expression empty again, yet he was happy to please her.

"It's amazing! I'd love to see more!" She laughs to herself in disbelief. "But goodness, still if you don't want to, wow."

"Perhaps another time." He looks at the tree again "I wonder why you are so amused by this..."

"I've never met anyone like you." She doesn't take her eyes off of him. "Heavens, I've always loved fantasy, and you're like meeting a fictional character. But real!"

".... I am not fantasy. Or fiction. Although I am mot surprised you have not met anyone like me." He walks into the house and grabs a saw, walking back out.

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