The Decision

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When she gets home, she opens the door, seeing Butterscotch lying in front of her mother's bedroom. Silas looks at the door, trying to remember the last conversation she had with her mom. She looks down, coming up empty. She feeds Butterscotch and does her homework. Silas lies down on her bed, trying to sort out what she did want in her mind, along with what she needed. She falls asleep, the thoughts settling around her. Silas goes through school, finding everything the way it was before the play..if anything a bit lonelier. As it ends, she goes to work, her routine back to normal. Silas goes home after. She stops at the spot she usually takes to get to Morbus's house. She stares in that direction for a long while before sighing. She makes up her mind, walking to his home.

Morbus is chopping wood in his backyard."Morbus!" She smiles a bit as she approaches.

He jolts and looks at her "Human. You have returned." He continues chopping wood.

"Yes." She puts her hands in her pocket, tilting her head slightly as she watches him, trying to choose what she wanted to say. "How are you today?"

"I am well." He puts some wood to the side then grabs more to chop "And you...?"

"Fine..." she looks to the side. "I've made up my mind."

He was about to swing down as she said the words but he stops, holding it above his head. He stares at the wood. "... Did you...?" He looks at her.

She nods. "I've decided to stay at home." Silas rocked to her toes. "And I'll continue to come every day."

He stares at the wood silently and gulps. Then he swings down sharply, splitting the wood and the tree stump it was on. He leaves the axe in the stump and walks to the house "...I understand..."

She keeps her eyes on the wood before turning towards the house. "You're not upset... are you?"

"No. I have no reason to be." He walks inside silently.

"Okay... well... good." She smiles lightly. "Oh and before I forget," she moves closer to the house. "Is there anything you would like me to bring you? I work at a Walmart so it wouldn't be any trouble."

"I have everything I need, and want nothing more." He walks to the Apple trees, grabbing a basket.

She follows with her hands behind her back. "Can I help? Pick apples I mean."

"Human, it will be dark soon. I suggest you go home." He begins picking a few apples, placing them carefully in the basket.

She looks at him, wanting to stay but knowing he was right. "Oh... yeah. Well... I'll see you tomorrow then." She smiles.

"Goodbye, human." He proceeds with picking apples.


Silas stops at her door, grabbing the key from under the mat. She is about to put it in the lock when the door opens itself. "C-carol? You're awake?" In the doorway was her mother, her hair messed up and bags under her eyes. Her mother narrowed her eyes. "Inside. Now." Silas looks very confused,going in and sitting on the couch.

Carol stands in front of Silas, her body sweating and swaying slightly. "Where were you?" Her voice was harsh. Silas looks her over. "Carol... are you..." Her mother takes a few steps forward, her arms trapping Silas on the couch. "Answer me!" Silas sinks into the couch. "I-I was at work!"

"Huh... work." She spat out the word. Her eyes narrowed more. Silas's own widened, smelling a n unpleasant scent. "C-carol I-is... have you been..." Carol steps back, picking up a bottle of water from the coffee table. She leans against the counter, taking a long gulp. "H-have you been drinking?" Carol snorts, raising the water bottle. "The cops never think to search waters..." Silas swallows. "C-Carol..." Carol laughs, one that seems forced and unnatural.

"And now... my idiot girl has a job!" Carol sways back, barely catching herself. "Keep it! Because guessss what!" Silas is silent, watching with worry and fear. "GUESS WHAT!" Silas jumps and stutters. "Wh-what?" Carol wipes some sweat onto her sleeve, hiccuping. "I've been fired! ME!" She stumbles to the chair, sitting down with a flop. "After years..."

"C-Carol...?" Silas doesn't move, scared to. The words 'idiot girl' repeated in her head. "Oh! And I find out you're keeping secrets..." Carol stands, pointing with the bottle. "I found your seeecret~" Silas shakes her head. "W-what are you...?"

Carol reaches over the counter pulling up a jacket... the sleeve covered in blood. "You..." she points again, her finger spinning. "You ATTACKED... *hic*... someone..." Silus shakes her head. "I-i never-" Carol throws the jacket at her, Silus flinching and covering her head as it hit her. "DONT LIE TO ME!" Carol giggles, her teeth obviously yellow. "Little miss perfect has been baaaaad..."

Silas stands, her hands shaking. "Carol I didn't-" Carol screams. "NO!" Carol tries to grab her arms, her fingers pressing against her arm roughly. Silas pulled away, backing up. "C-Carol please!" Carol, continues after her, dropping the bottle. "YOU EVIL WITCH!!"

Silas runs into her room, shutting the door behind her and locking it. The door echoes the pounding of her mother's hands against the wood. "WITCH! WITCH! WITCH!" Silas tries to ignore it, rushing around her room and shoving things into a backpack. Her eyes blur with tears and she zips the bag with shaking hands, the pounding continuing. She holds the backpack to her chest and looks at the door, the wood shaking. Silas shook her head, looking to her window.

She pushed her desk aside, throwing open the window, Carol's shouting the only thing she hears. She feels her heart racing and her head ache. She throws the backpack out her window and climbs out herself, shutting the glass quickly behind her. Tears streaming down her face, she hears the barking of Butterscotch. She looks to the front door, which was still open. She hears a loud yelp and she gasps, turning and running into the woods with her backpack.

She runs as fast as she can. Silas's breathing is gasping, trying to get oxygen through running and crying. She finds Morbus's house, her eyes closing as she ran faster. She ran up to his door and knocked loudly. "M-Morbus!"


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