Chapter 4

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Silence fell upon the car...

"I just need to think," I said taking in deep breathes to calm myself.

"Uhm, you're taking up all the oxy-"

"Shut up! I'm trying to think! I can't think with you busy bothering me the whole time!" I snapped at Max.

"Okay, I've got it, do any of you have a bullet?" I asked.

Max nodded his head as he reached for his back pockets and took out a cigarette box. Neatly stacked inside the cigarette box were several bullets.

I didn't have the time to think about why Max would have a full box of bullets, I was in a fight or flight situation, and I needed to flight. Don't call me a coward...would you fight a drowning car?

The water was already at neck length and Tamara was determined to take as many deep breathes as possible, making it close to impossible to the rest of us to breathe in the humid air, not to mention the rising water.

Meanwhile, Max and Jordon were being idiots, they were fooling around making fart bubbles.

I turned my attention towards Jonah, he seemed content and tranquil with his surroundings.

"I saw this in Rango, the movie, let's hope this works," I said to myself as I took my last breath.

The water had already filled up the car that was now sinking to the bottom.

I grabbed the bullet and aimed it toward to window. I needed to make the perfect shot, the tip of the bullet needed to hit the window at the correct speed of...well I don't know.

I threw it as swiftedly as I could. It swam through the water flawlessly and tapped on the window and a small crack appeared. The crack expanded and soon water burst the window.

I slid through the window and the others followed after me. Panic rose as soon as I realised that I have not a single clue on how to swim.

I felt an arm wrap around my waist and I was dragged upwards. As soon as my head was above the water I took a deep breathe, grasping for air as if it were the last piece of chocolate on earth.

I turned and saw Jordon, my eyes widened in realisation.

He helped me back there...

"You're welcome," he said with a chuckle.

Max, Tamara and Jonah popped up after a few seconds. Jordon, still clinging onto my waist, swam towards the beach as the others followed. As soon as we reached the shore, I unwrapped myself from Jordon's arm and stormed off.

"Wait, Alexa, wait," someone called after me.

"What!?" I said in a bitter tone.

"Look, we're sorry for what happened back there, we didn't know it would backfire," Tamara said sincerely.

"Of course you didn't right!? You just decided it's a great idea to drive a car right into the ocean and expect it to fly out of the water and turn into a ship that flies and whisks us up into the sky and to neverland right!?" I screamed with sarcasm dripping in my voice.

"We just thought it would be...y'," Tamara replied sheepishly.

"Yo, you need to take a chill pill bro," Max said without a care in the world.

"I ALMOST DIED AND YOU WANT ME TO TAKE A CHILL PILL!?" I screamed, probably bursting a vein in my neck.

"You just need time to cool off," Jordon said calmly.

"No time for that, we need to return that guys Ferrari and get back our old ride," Max stated.

"In case you havent noticed, the car is at the bottom of the ocean," I snapped, ready to attack Max any second.

"Ey, chill, we'll go steal another-"

"NO!" I yelled.

"I'm just joking," Max chucked.

I stepped towards him and slapped him right across the face, I was about to do much more than that but Jonah held me back.

"What's your problem!? What are you scared of a little fun?" Max teased.

"Fun! Nearly ruined my life!" I broke lose from Jonah and lashed out at Max once again. I threw punches and slaps before Jordon stopped me.

"Nah, that's my best friend you're beating, chill dude," Jordon said.

I calmed myself and simply decided that I don't want to be a part of these shinanagins.

"I'm leaving," I replied.

"We could sleep here tonight, you don't have to go," Tamara said.

"Listen, it's the first day of college and-"

"I know, pretty memorable right? Hopefully in future you won't be as boring and you'll tell your children about this and I'm awesome so I must be in the story and don't forget-"

"JUST SHUT THE F*** UP!" I screamed as tears of frustration faltered out my eyes.

He didn't get why I stopped being reckless and saying YOLO and stuff like that. He had no right to judge me.

"Okay, Alexa we're so sorry. We'll drop you off at your dorm alright?" Jordon said finally.

I wiped the tears off my face and slowly started walking in the direction of the college. It was a cold night, but I have to admit that the stars above were breathtaking.

"Hold it right there! You're all under arrested!"


Short chapter...😸💔

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