Chapter 8

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First stop, Arcade City!

"You guys are going to love this place!" Jordon exclaimed in excitement.

"This is literally his favourite place in the world, he always comes here after breakups especially," Max explained.

I rolled my eyes secretly. I'm not being mean or anything, Max just seems to get on my last nerves without even trying anymore.

"Well, let's do this!' Tamara exclaimed as we hopped out the car and walked into the mall.

Arcade City was not very far from the entrance, and luckily the mall wasn't full today. We strolled into Arcade City as if we were the bosses of the place. I had only been to Arcade City a few times before, and it's not a place you would walk into feeling like a boss.

"So you think you own the place now, huh? Mr. Tough Guy and his crew." A guy approached us. He seemed to have an intimidating biker look.

"Yeah, dude, I'm the Sheriff in this town. So Guys, meet Dan, he's the guy that introduced me to this place, I forgot how we met so whatever. Dan, these are my friends and Alexa is my girlfriend," Jordon said.

I laughed out so loud everyone must've turned their heads to check on me, however, I rolled with Jordon's plan and greeted Dan just as everyone else had.

"Well, it was nice meeting you guys. Jordon, we have a gamers tournament this Saturday, I suggest you don't show up because me and my guys are totally going to destroy you," Dan laughed as he walked back to his crew.

"Well, what are we doing meeting irrelevant bikers? Let's game!" Tamara said.

And with that, we gamed. Turns out, I'm horrible at gaming. I had lost at every single game I put my hands on, however I will admit it was amazing, bragging about how great I would be at the next game, and then fail at doing that.

After 4 short hours, we decided to leave.

"Well, that was amazing, but I'm hungry," I replied.

As if on cue, my stomach rumbled.

"I know this amazing burger place just around the corner, luckily for you, they serve extra large burgers, you look like you could use it. You look anorexic," Max said to me.

And suddenly I wasn't hungry anymore...

But I was still in a good mood, so I let Max do his thing and insult me as much as he wants.

We followed Max into a burger restaurant called "My Burger Dudes". If you ask me, that's a crazy thing to name a restaurant.

We walked towards a table and took our seats. As we were scanning our menus, a waitress came to assist us.

"Hi Max, hello everyone. What can I get for you today?" She asked happily.

"Well-" Tamara began.

"I'll order for the whole table!" Max exclaimed as he stood up and slammed his palm on the table.

"Uhm, okay, no need to get over excited." I replied.

"Okay, so there's this dish I've been dying to try. The "Elsant Beef Mustard Grief" Max said.

What the heck?!

"Give us that and large fries and we'll have Coke for drinks," he continued as the waitress jotted down his order on a note pad.

She left to go get our order and when she returned I immediately regretted trusting Max with our orders. I had expected a nice, saucy burger but instead, we received burgers that are just plain weird.

Normal burgers ingredients in general are :

Beef patty
Tomato sauce

This one contained :

Chicken Mayo
Blue cheese (cheese that was litteraly the colour blue)

And it was oily, not saucy.

"On second thoughts, I'm not hungry," I commented.

"Whats the matter with you!? You havent even tried it!" Max exclaimed as he took a huge bite into his burger.

"This is amazing!" He shouted.

Well, you never know unless you try...

I took a bite out of my burger.

"So how is it?" Max asked eagerly.

I might've ACCIDENTLY (on purpose), I mean it was an accident but...

I threw up on Max's face.


Weren't you the one emphasizing the fact that I haven't eaten in years??. At least I drank water though.

"The burger didn't taste right, the viniger was warm and mixed with the cold mustard and there was oil and-"

"No, don't ruin it for everyone else," Max replied as he dried his face with a paper towel that was given to him.

Tamara took a bite out of it and literally burst into tears. Jonah muttered something deep like, "This makes me suicidal" and Jordon punched Max in the face. I burst out laughing.

"Why are you laughing?" Tamara asked.

"It's funny how you can get so many different reactions from a burger. You can learn a lot from people by how they react to food," I laughed.

They all thought for a moment and then burst out laughing at how they reacted. At the end of the day, it wasn't so bad after all. It was actually nice.

We left that weird burger place an hour later after finishing our delicious fries and refreshing drinks.

"Now, let's go to Hot Topic (actually a real store)," Jonah suggested.

I expected it to be a normal store like Forever 21 or something. However it was totally different.

As we walked through the door, our ears were filled with loud rock music.

"This is my favourite band! Pierce the Veil!" Jonah exclaimed looking happier than I'd ever seen him.

"So uhm, nice...uh, air conditioning," Jordon commented awkwardly.

Literally, 98% of the clothing in the store was either black, had a band name on it or came with endless accessories. It seemed like this was where vampires shopped.

"Would you guys like anything? It's all on me!" Jonah said.

"We'll go look around," I said and with that we all split up to find the unknown.

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