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This is the teaser, let us know what you think about the new version so far :) -Gabi

Kellin's POV

I couldn't believe I had detention. And it was honestly for the stupidest reason but, nonetheless, I found myself walking into the library that saturday morning where I was going to be for the next eight hours. What was I even supposed to do for that long? Sure, if I didn't have detention I would have just stayed at home and done nothing but write or draw but I doubted that I'd be able to do that here. I was probably just going to be stuck with a bunch of criminals and crazy people and I didn't want that. My parents hadn't been awake when I left, presumably because of everything that had happened the night before, but I didn't fully want to think about any of that at the moment.

I shouldered my backpack and went to the far back table and sat down. I was the only one here so far, which I didn't mind, I kinda hoped I was going to be the only one here. That just meant I'd get some nice quiet time, something that was a rarity in my life. 

My dreams were soon crushed when I saw the door start to open up. I sighed and slumped in my seat, of course it was too good to be true to just be alone in here. All I could really hope for was that it wasn't going to be someone who was annoying.

"Oh, hi." Alan said walking in, "I didn't think anyone else was here."

I quirked a smile and shrugged. "No, sadly I'm stuck here today."

"Yeah, me too." He said awkwardly.

I shrugged again and looked down at my backpack and dug around for my notebook. Things were always awkward between Alan and I, ever since freshman year but it didn't really bother me too much.  We had our own lives and I was okay with that.

I started doodling in my notebook and sighed. Now I was really hoping that someone else would show up, though. If it was just Alan and I, it was going to be so goddamn awkward.

Thankfully the door opened up once again.  I glanced up and smiled a little when I realized who it was. Vic Fuentes. I didn't really care for a lot of people at this school but, I couldn't help but like him. He was probably the nicest person I had met.  He was always smiling and I could only imagine how happy he truly was. Vic and I didn't talk often but when we did, he was always the sweetest.

"Hey Ashby," Vic said, smiling at Alan.

"Hey, welcome to detention." Alan said laughing a little.

"Thanks, I guess," he laughed. "I'm assuming Jenna isn't here yet?" Vic said, looking around when he glanced at me and shot me a small smile. "Hey uh, Kellin, right?"

I nodded, "That's me." 

He took a seat next to me and kicked his feet up. "You don't really seem like the detention type."

"Things happen I suppose." 

"I suppose so," he said and looked over at my notebook. "Whatcha drawing?"

"Nothing particularly, just kind of doodling." 

"Your doodles look like what I can draw when I'm actually trying," Vic laughed. "I mean, I never really try to draw, it's not my forte but, you're really good," he rambled and I smiled.

"Thank you," I said. "It's just something I do when I'm bored, really," I told him as the door opened up and some guy walked in and a blond girl followed right after.

Vic looked over then smiled and waved. "Hey Jen!" He said and the girl smiled at him a little.

"Hi." She said.

The Broken Generation |Kellic & Cashby|Where stories live. Discover now