Dying!Nagisa x Karma

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▪▪▫Oneshot# 12▫▪▪


▶▶Karma finds out that Nagisa has a heart disease.◀◀

◼◻◻Nagisa Shiota x Karma Akabane◻◻◼

▫▫▪Contains: Fucking feels and angst▪▫▫



"Karma," I looked at my best friend. My chest was pounding as my hands begins to sweat in anxiousness.

"Yeah?" He asked, sipping on his box of strawberry milk.

I need to tell him. He has to know. He deserves to know.

"I got something to tell you..."

"You love me?" He smirked cockily. A wide pink blush appeared on my cheeks before I shook my head mentally.

No, there's no time for that! You have to tell him Nagisa! Or else you'll lose this chance.

"It's something very important." Then, he suddenly went serious. Worriness was evident in his face.

"What is it, Nagisa?" He asked, sincere worriness and concern was in his tone.

I bit my lip. I closed my eyes and let out a shaky exhale. "I'm going to die soon."

He looked at me with disbelief. He sighed, running his fingers through his hair. "Nagisa, you already know this. You suck at making up jokes. That's not even near funny."

I shook my head, trying to hold back my tears now. "Karma, listen to me. Yeah, I know it's not funny but I'm not bluffing. I don't have much time left. I was diagnosed with a terminal heart disease. One day, sooner or later, my heart will just stop beating. The doctor said, I have to find a compatible heart donor in time or otherwise... It's game over for me..."

And before I knew it, I began tearing up. "Why? Why does it have to be me? There's so many people in this world but why does it have to be me who has this illness. I can't leave yet. There's so many things I still want to do. I can't just leave all the people so dear to me. I can't just di--"

I was silenced by Karma's sudden warm embrace. "Don't you even dare say that darn word, idiot. There's no way I'm letting you leave! There's still something we can do!"

"But Karma... My doctor says... I only have like 1-2 weeks left to live. And there's a long list of people who also needs a donor. There's no way we can find a compatible donor in that short amount of time!" I said between hiccups and sobs.

Karma let go from hugging me as he stared deeply into my eyes. It made my heart ache bitterly and painfully seeing how he was trying his best to suppress his own tears that was dwelling in the corner of his eyes. He then wiped my tears away with his thumbs, "No, don't lose your hope. We can still find a donor, yeah? I'll do whatever it takes to help you find a donor. Just be strong for me, Nagisa! I know you're strong!"

I gratefully and sincerely smiled at Karma's words. There were definite positivity and determination in his eyes that it just made me want to believe him. This is one of the many reasons why this red-head is very dear to me. It's because he's always right here beside me and he's the person I always lean on. If I'm with him, I can be strong. He's like my haven that I could depend on when I'm on the verge of breaking down

Karma then cupped my cheeks as I snapped out of my mini trance. "Nagisa... I love you..."

My jaw literally dropped to the ground at his sudden confession. Red was staining my cheeks.

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