Chapter One

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"I swear. If you do not give me my damn lighter back right now, I will kick you in the balls so hard you choke on them." I threaten.

"Oooh, you're so sc-" I cut off the boy with a swift kick to the balls, making him drop to the ground in agony. Not feeling bad at all, I start to laugh so hard I almost start crying. I have to hold my stomach so it doesn't hurt from the laughter. 

"Oh, you're so dead, Shylough!" The boy yells as I finally walk away. 

"It's sad. I don't even know your name..." I say as I shove my returned lighter in my pocker before an administrator sees it.

"Girls suck. James!" The boy screams in my direction. "My name is James." He says, realizing his first sentence didn't make sense. 

"Nice knowin' ya, James!" I yell back, walking out of the Commons area and towards my first class of the day: Video Game Design. The teacher is an old man people call Georgie. They say its like he's the younger brother from "IT." He's so childlike. He's almost innocent.. until... the bell. 


"Good morning, Shylough. Would you like to explain to the class why you're not in your seat?" Georgie asks. 

I laugh. "I was thinking, Georgie... we should have the option to stand. Ya know, get those desks that raise up so we can stand if we want... " I pause. "I'm just practicing." I say with a winning smile. 

One boy cat calls and I glare in that direction, tapping the pocket in my joggers with my pocket knife in it. All eyes turn away from me. 

Georgie coughs to get my limited attention on him. "To your seat, Miss.Ryan." He says. 

I sulk off to my spot along the wall and sit down in between the two nerdiest boys in this class. 

"Hey, Shylough." The nice one says in a whisper. 

"Hey, Stewart." I whisper back, logging into my computer and opening our program we call Animated.R.Us. Within minutes, Georgie rains down his longest speech ever. 

"Alright, I know A.R.U isn't the most fun program we've used, but in order to move on, you have to know and understand the basics..." I decide to tune him out and plug my headphones into my school computer and hit play. 

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