Chapter Five

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The drive to school was hell. Ky was acting like me having Ryleigh stay with me was a bad thing. It's not like anything happened. That and Ryleigh and I have been friends since Kindergarten. 

I exhale a breath I didn't know I was holding when the country landscape changes and I see the school's massive buildings pop into view. Within minutes, Kyle pulls up against the edge of the parking lot beside Ryleigh's shiny blue Camaro. I've been in his car, but Kyle doesn't need to know that. He would kill me.

I get out and breathe a deep breath when Ryleigh gets our of his car and smiles at me. "Hey." I breathe. The smile that's on my face, and Ryleigh's, synchronize and I'm finally able to relax. 

"Hey, babe." He says, talking in my favorite voice. I can't help but smile more. And now, with a smile on my face and Leigh's hand in mine, I walk into school. I take a deep breath of the moldy air that smells like reheated hamburgers with nasty cheese. "Ready for everyone to hate us even more?" Ryleigh asks. 

"As long as I've got you," I squeeze his hand. "I can survive anything." I say.

"Aw." Ryleigh croons. I smile more and walk to one of the three classes I have with Ryleigh: Woodshop. The teacher gives us all creeps. He's older and has an almost Tony Stark vibe.

Noticing how happy he seems when we walk in, both Ryleigh and I pause and stare. 

"Can I help you??" The teacher asks in a very cheerful voice.

"Ah... No, Mr. Jake." I say. He smiles. 

"You seem to be very lively, Miss. Ryan." He comments as I sit side-by-side with Ryleigh. 

"Yeah. I finally got some sleep." I say with a laugh. 

He laughs with me. "I see." He directs his attention to the students coming in later. "Tardy. That's detention for all of you." He says. 

I turn to Ryleigh. "Glad we came in on time... I already have a detention I'm supposed to serve tomorrow." I whisper.

"No kidding." He whispers back. As soon as the detentions are passed out, we're allowed in the shop area. 

"DONE!" I yell when my lockbox is finished. "Looks like an 'A' if I didn't know any better." I say through chuckles. After a very long fourty-five minutes, the bell rings to let me out of class and to the vending machines. I pick out cheez-itz and crunch on them as we walk to class again. 

"Miss. Ryan." Mrs. McAlister says. 

"Mrs. McAlister." I growl, going to my seat next to the boy that I got a detention for hitting. 

"Shylough." Shawn growls, barely opening his mouth. 

"Aw. Does it hurt to talk?" I ask, smirking as he starts growling again. 

"... why didn't McAlister move me?" He mumbles, turning towards the board. As I grab my notes, I notice Ryleigh standing in the doorway, mouthing 'skip with me?' I smirk and grab my stuff, leaving before Mrs. McAlister can notice. 

"Skipping again, Leigh?" I ask in a playful tone.

"Yes. I want to do something special for you." He says. 

I drop my cheez-itz bag in a trash can as I walk out of the building hand-in-hand with Ryleigh. 

"Aww. Alright." I say with a smile. We walk to his car in silence from there. When we reach his car, he gently pushes me against the side of it, smirking, before kissing me deeply and passionately. Shocked by his display of affection, I kiss him back just as violently, tangling my fingers in his hair. Knowing what this does to him gives me an advantage. 

"Mmm." He growls. I almost purr in response to his violent outburst as he kisses me again. Minutes later, as fast as it started, it ends and he opens the door for me in a very gentlemanly fashion. Shutting the door behind me, he climbs into the drivers seat, takes my hand in his and drives off. 

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