Chapter 3: Falling In Love!

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~Marium's POV~

I opened my eyes slowly. Omg I was sleeping on Seung Hyun's chest. He was hugging me. So I couldn't stand up. Shit! He'll think that I like him. Pff.. I tried once again, but failed.

Wait! What if he hugged me first? He blinked once.. twice.. thrice.. "What the?" He said as he jumped off the bed. "You were hugging me!" I told him. "You put your head on my chest!" "I didn't do it! I was sleeping." "Just admit that you like me." "Of course not!" "Yeah you like me." "Who's the stubborn person now? I was sleeping and woke up in your hug. I did nothing!"

He looked at me with thinking. "Hmm so you hug people, while you are sleeping?" "Nope." "You like me." He said again playfully. "I said I don't! What if you hugged me, while you were sleeping?" "I sometimes hug things.. But you hugged me back, because you like me."

-_- Please sb to slap his dork face? "I won't continue this useless discussion with you :P" "Because you dont want to admit your feelings about me." "I just met you! Shut up!" "Nope. I know I'm attractive." "Damn! Just stop talking ok?" He shook his head.

I stood up and hit his arm playfully. "I like teasing you!" He said happily. "Like I didn't understand that huh?" He laughed at my done face. "Ok, I'll keep your little secret." "What? I said I don't like you!" "Whatever.."

"And what about your diary princess?" I ran and caught the pieces. "No, Marium please don't read them." "Why not?" "Please~ it's personal." "Pff.. I'll read it."

I took one of the pieces and read 'How I killed her.' I threw down the pieces. "What the hell? You killed Ann?" "No, let me explain." He caught my hand. "Don't touch me. I don't trust you!" I jumped on my bed and screamed. "Stay away from me." "I didn't kill her. I promise.." "Liar! I knew I shouldn't trust you." He sat next to me. "Leave!!" "No, you must hear me." "No!! You will lie to me again."

"I won't." "Yes, you will." "You won't to learn who's Ann? I think it's the right time to tell you about Ann." "I don't want to know." "Why not?" "I don't believe you!"

I ran to the door. "Open! Open me!" "Don't shout!" Seung Hyun yelled. "I'm not staying here with a killer." He grabbed me and threw me on my bed. He kept closed my mouth with his hand. "I didn't kill her!" He repeated. I couldnt speak, I was scared and that man is creepy!

"I didn't kill her.." He repeated calmly. He let me go. He closed his face in his hands. "I loved her.." He whispered. Then he said sth in Korean. "W-what did you say?" I asked. "Not your business."

I could see the pain in his eyes. He loved that girl, but why he killed her? "If you loved her, why you killed her?" He looked at me angrily. "I-DIDN'T-KILL-HER! Why is so hard for you to understand that huh? Are you that stupid?"

"I'm not stupid!" I stood up and pushed him. "Not pushing me girl!" He pushed me too. "Stop!" "No, you stop!" "Aish! I give up, I don't know what the hell is going on here!" He came closer to me and said. "They don't want us to shout. Like we aren't here, understand?" I nodded.

"Now will you let me explain you?" I nodded again. We sat down on his bed. "Look one year ago they kidnapped a girl named Ann. Ann was 16 and so beautiful. I fell in love with her. So did she. I didn't want to hurt her. She was so charming, kind. In one word she was perfect. One day I found a letter on bed. It was from her."

He stopped talking to wipe his tears away. "Are you ok?" I asked. Stupid question. He shook his head. I caressed his back. Suddenly he turned to me and hugged me tightly. "Hey, everything is gonna be ok.." He just held me tighter than before. I caressed his back again.

He looks so strong, but in fact he's like a baby. I don't know he's childish, strong character attracts me. "You know sth you're so different than I thought." I whispered. "That's good or bad?" "Good." I could see him smiling. "You too. I thought you're kinda of silly." "You're silly not me."

He broke our hug and looked straight in my eyes. I don't know, but I felt that I needed to kiss him. Am I in love with him? He leaned in and when his lips were only some cms away from mine. "Aish.. I-I am sorry." He said as he looked away.

No no no. You should kiss me! Or not? What if he sees in me Ann? "It's ok. I'll keep your secret." "What?" He said while blushing. "I know you fell like you were about to kiss Ann, not me. I mean you are still in love with her right?" "You mean you like me?" "No." "Oh.. yes, I am. But I wasnt able to find sb else in here."

"Right, but you didn't tell me how she died." "In that letter she had written I'm sorry Seung Hyun. I couldn't live in here any longer. Forever yours Ann.." He held his tears, took a big breath and continued. "She told to Yang, the bastard who kidnapped us to kill her. She couldn't live like that. Aish I said to myself that it was my fault.If I were there to protect her and change her mind.."

"Hey it's not your fault. Don't blame yourself." He gave me a painful smile. "Whatever.. I can't bring her back. What about your ex? It's your turn now."

"Well he said he loves me and that we would be forever together.." "What happened?" "He cheated on me with one of my friends.." I wiped my tears away. "Tina?" "No, Tina is my best friend. She's more than a friend, she's my sis." He nodded. "After he cheated on me, he said that he got bored of me and my stupid character. Damn I really loved him. He used me.."

How nice two heart broken people encourage each other. He put his hand on mine and smiled. "What?" I asked while smiling too. "We have sth in common." "Heart broken?" "Sensitive inside, strong outside." "You're right." He nodded. "So now we know each other's secrets?" I asked.

"No yet." "What do you mean?" "I'll tell you, when it's the right moment." "Ok. Can I have a hug? I need one." "Sure." He hugged me. I put my head on his chest and closed my eyes for a second. He kissed my head. Aren't we like a couple right now? XD


~Tina's POV~

I was at the police office again. "Excuse me do you have any news about my friend's kidnap?" I asked a policeman. "No yet miss." He told me and left me staring at nothing in the middle of the corridor. Where are you Marium?

"Hey!" It was the policeman I talked with yesterday. "Hey." I said disappointingly. "What's wrong?" "Nothing new about my friend. It's my fault, if I didnt want to come here, she would be safe now."

"Maybe I can help you." "How?" "Wait here." I nodded. I saw him leaving. He's kinda handsome. He came back half running. "Look I have some news." "Tell me." "Her kidnapper must be Yang. He kidnaps tourists from the airport. He says he's a taxi driver and kidnaps tourists." "Where can we find him?"

"It's not that easy. He might want to sell your friend." "Sell? omg!" "I promise to find her, before sth bad happens." I nodded. I don't want to loose my friend. I hope she's well.

"By the way I'm Hong." "I'm Tina." "Where are you from?" "England." He nodded. He looked away like he wanted to say sth more. "Umm I was thinking if you would like to go out with me.." He said and bit a bit his lower lip. Damn Korean Boys and their lips! "Sure." "Good." He said excitedly.

"So Mr Hong are you available for tonight?" "I-I yes, I am." Oh he lost his words, because of my beauty lol XD. "Nice. I will go now. I'll come again later." He nodded. "Wait.. Tell me your phone number." He said. I gave him my phone number and left.

I hope we'll find Marium quickly.


Hey lovelies!!! ^0^

I know I post small chapters, but I update everyday. :) Also I have a very very impatient reader XD

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Is Seung Hyun falling in love with Marium? What do you find??

What about Tina and the handsome policeman, Hong??

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Loveeee Youuuu Alll!!! :* ^3^


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