7. It both starts with a C.

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H E R | pov

As I entered the gates to the Villa, I felt as if time had gone into slow motion. Everything I never knew I wanted or needed was immediately offered to me in the most luxurious style.

'O my, this is amazing!' I shout while I frisk around the villa that BM had arranged for us.

I ventured to the rooftop deck, and discovered it treasures with the jacuzzi , deck chairs and even a sun lounge bed for two overlooking the panorama that is palm trees and white sanded beach.

When I thought it couldn't get any better than this I walk through the French doors and see an infinitypool which stops at the most clearest sea I had ever seen.

I quickly look over both sides of my shoulders to check if Niall isn't  around before snapping a pic for my mom. She'd definitely love this.

'Do you like it?' The voice I heard wasn't Niall's

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'Do you like it?' The voice I heard wasn't Niall's. I turn around and see a tall, dark man standing in the shadow of one of the palmtrees. He wore a chef's jacket and I got the vague idea that he cooked for us during this eh, honeymoon. It was still a weird thing  to say.

'It's incredible. I am amazed by all the beauty.'

It was true. Never in my wildest dreams I would have guessed BM  would spent so much money on their organized trips. The way I see it, all this must have cost a fucking fortune.

The man smiled, showing of his perfectly (and  natural)  white teeth. 'My name's Javier, I will be your chef...' he pointed out his working clothes. 'Your guide and private driver for the time you spent in beautiful Cuba.'

Cuba. Am I really in CUBA? That's it. I can not let this happen. We were supposed to stay in Europe. He knew that. And I knew that there's no European destination 10 hours away but still... this TV show needed to be played by the rules. Right?

I excused myself away from Javier and searched for Niall. After all that happend at the airport, I totally forgot to ask him where we were.

I went upstairs - but there's was no sign of life in the three bath and bedrooms.

There was one room left on the end of the corridor, the door was slightly opened. I pushed the door further open and saw Niall standing in front of his suitcase, folding his clothes into neat piles.

I cleared my throat but he didn't seem too surprised.

'Do you like it?' He asks.  I guessed he already knew what I was going to say by hearing the tone in his voice.

'Cuba, really?' I ask him back, trying not to be too harsh on him. Even though I was dying to know why we couldn't just go to Italy or Spain just like the other couples did.

'Yeah, really. Javier must have told you.' He replies, still not showing any regret of taking me here. And why should he? Everything is perfect.

'Why?' I tried to let him explain but he didn't respond. He knew it was against the rules and  I surely did not want a special treatment because I happen to marry a famous and attractive pop star.

Blindly Married - English/ Dutch Version ft. N.HWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu