Chapter 19

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N/A: Paranoia sucks... Been awake for 3 days with like 2 hours of sleep total, and yeah.... Because of that, a few of the upcoming chapters are probably more of the poorly written ones, I'm sorry but ya know, gotta deal with it for now. When I'm done with the series I'll start editing the chapters of grammatical errors and autocorrect/misspelling errors. But as of now, enjoy chapter 19!


Chapter 19

Talia's POV

"So let me get this straight, you and Krystina are psychics. Krystina has the emotions shit and you can see the future?"


"And to protect everybody you have to..." I sigh.

"Bryan it's not that hard to comprehend."

"It is! Why would you condone Krystina getting back into the gang life?!"

"It's the only way to save her and everyone else Bryan!" Bryan sighs and leans back against the bean bag. "Penny for your thoughts?"

"I barely know Krystina, how am I supposed to get her back into the gang life?"

"She wouldn't do it if I told her, she's too caught up in protecting Aiden, Aubrey and Hayden. But if you tell her that all she's doing is hurting them, she'll have to go back." Bryan sighs.

"If she stays and protects Aiden, Aubrey and Hayden, really, what is the worst thing that can happen?" I swallow hard.

"A lot can go wrong. Krystina loves Aiden too much, she'd die for him."

"But the situation won't arise if she stays away from the gang, so why get her involved and give anyone the chance to put their lives in danger?" I sigh and cover my face. I just wish he understood and that I could tell him. I feel hands rest on my knees. "Talia stop freaking. The future can change. You only see the future that's set right?" I nod, "nothing is set in stone until the day of Talia. Let Krystina keep doing what she's doing, everything will work out." I sigh and nod. He's never been more wrong but I can't keep arguing with him about this.

"You're right." Bryan pats my knees and kisses my hand. "I really want Chinese food." Bryan laughs.

"Well let's go get Chinese food. I'll buy." I stand up and lightly push him to the floor.

"I do what I want, I can pay for my own damn food." I walk out of his room and Bryan laughs.

"You're so damn stubborn." I smile and nod.

"You know it babe." He scoffs and shakes his head. Unlike Krystina and Aiden, Hayden and Aubrey, or even Frayia and Duncan, Bryan and I don't show much affection. We're the sarcastic couple who would rather go out and eat over having a heated makeout session or something. We both know we like each other, we don't have to say it that often or show it. It's a mutual connection.

"Oh!" I turn and see Bryan looking down at his phone with a smile. "Before we go to get food, Matthew wants to show you something."

"Why can't we go after food?"

"It's important Talia. Shut up and get in the car."

I laugh and shake my head. "Fine, I better get my fucking food after though."

"Promise." I slide into Bryan's car and buckle my seatbelt.


"Talia!" I hug my niece, Tasha, as she runs up to me as I opened the door.

"Hey Tasha." I kiss her head and look around. "Where's Matthew?"

"Your room." Bryan grabs my hand and drags me to my room. He opens my room door and steps back, I Matthew standing beside my grandma by the window.

"What's up?" Bryan points to my bed and I instantly break into tears. "Daddy!" I run up to my dad and hug him as tightly as I can.

"I've missed you so much Tali-bear." I feel even more tears stream down my face from hearing him say the nickname he's given me since I was a little girl.

"I missed you too daddy." I hear footsteps behind me, I turn my head and see Matthew standing beside me.

"Bryan found him." I pull away from my dad still crying.

"How did you find him?" Bryan smiles at me.

"I have connections."

"People were housing me." I turn back to my dad. "I was injured pretty bad, a girl and her mother nurses me back to health and I didn't have the money or resources to find my troop or come back home. Then I randomly get a phone call telling me to find a ride or somehow get to the heliport and they'd take me to the airport. I was approached by two boys and they said that a kid named Bryan told them to meet me at the airport. They paid for my ticket, clothes for me to change into, and everything." I look over at Bryan, tears never ceasing. I walk over and hug Bryan tight.

"Thank you so much Bryan." I feel his grip tighten around my waist, hugging me tighter.

"Anything for you." I smile and close my eyes. It's official.

"I love you Bryan."

Aubrey's POV

I put Ellie down for her nap and Justin took Jonas and Leo to the ballpark. I close Ellie's door quietly and when I turn around I feel two arms wrap around me, I giggle and soon I'm thrown over Hayden's shoulder.

"Hayden put me down." I feel him smack my butt, "Ow! You little shit."

"Not sorry Princess. You're mine now and I can do whatever the fuck I please cause you said yes." I laugh and smack his ass. I'm automatically thrown into the couch. "Now that wasn't nice." I shrug with a cute ass smile.

Hayden leans over the back of the couch, grabs my hand and kisses it with a smile. The cute gestures he does make my heart flutter, everything he does to show he loves me makes my heart flutter like it did the first time we kissed. "I love you."

"And I love you." Hayden leans down and kisses me. "More than anything." I smile and wrap my arms around his neck. I pull him down and soon enough we both end up on the floor in fits of laughter. I look up and see Ellie standing in front of us rubbing her eyes.

"What's wrong Ellie? Did we wake you?" Ellie shakes her head and tears run down her face. Hayden and I walk over and kneel beside her.

"What's wrong Elliebug?" Ellie shakes her head.

"Did you have a scary dream?" Ellie nods and sobs into my arms. I hug her and hold her close to me.

"Want us to take a nap with you Ellie?" Hayden asks stroking her hair. Ellie nods against my chest. Hayden and I stand up and walk into our bedroom, I set Ellie on the bed and pull the covers over her tiny legs. Hayden slides into bed on the left side of her and I slide under the covers of the right side. Ellie turns her back to me and snuggles into Hayden's arm, I turn on my side and look at Hayden sliding his hand softly through Ellie's hair.

When she's sound asleep Hayden grabs my hand, "I can get used to this."

"Get used to what?" Hayden smiles, saying nothing. I lean over Ellie quietly, kissing her forehead and ten kissing Hayden. "I can too."

"Get some sleep Princess. You had a long day."

"But it was a great day. I'm afraid that if I wake up, it will all be a dream and I'll be back to the night Krystina got hurt." Hayden brushes my hair behind my ear.

"It's not a dream Princess, I promise you when you wake up, I'll be right here beside you. And if I'm not," Hayden grabs my hand and kisses my ring finger, "look at the ring. It's proof that it's not a dream." I smile and nod.

"Okay." I kiss Hayden again and lay back on my side. I feel Ellie turn and cuddle into me, I close my eyes and drift into a series of great moments I've had with Hayden, Ellie, Jonas, Aiden, Krystina even my mom, dad and Ashton.

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