Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

<£££> 1 year later <£££>

It's been a year since Krystina passed. No one was ever the same but eventually we all recovered in a way. Hayden and Aubrey got married on Krystina's birthday, hoping that she was there watching them. Aubrey's currently going to college part time, working as a waitress part time and starting a worldwide campaign called 'Alli's Angels' for people of all ages who have suffered with the loss of someone who commuted suicide or was murdered. It also helps people with depression and self harm issues. Hayden is helping her with it as well. I recently found out Aubrey is two months pregnant, needless to say my mom is excited.

Hayden is doing the same things as Aubrey, part time student, part time working as an advertising executive. That's how Aubrey's campaign got so big. He's still playing hockey and baseball but he hasn't been as good as he was before, that's the negative effect that Krystina's death had on him.

Jonas and Ellie are still children, growing up. Jonas is still sad about Krystina but he's grown to be like Aubrey, using her death as a positive movement forward. He wants to be a social worker, and he wants to help people in gangs get out of the life.

My mom got engaged to Justin and Justin got custody of Leo. I haven't heard much about what my mom is doing with Krystina and Ashton's rooms. Justin sleeps with my mom and Leo stays in my old room.

Talia and Bryan are going strong. I eventually forgave Talia for keeping such a huge secret from me because now I realize that was Krystina's proof of how much she loved us all, she gave her life to save all of us.

Frayia and Duncan moved to Minnesota and we haven't heard much from them. They didn't have any connections as close as they did with Krystina so I assume they didn't mind not contacting us after Aubrey's wedding. Last I heard they were doing great and actually getting healthier, mentally and physically.

Danni is still working at the hospital, she however hates to walk past Krystina and Talia's old room. Too many memories from what she said. She still keeps in contact with us just to check in. She currently has a boyfriend and is living happily.

Sky went back to his old ways when Krystina died. He ended up back at the psychiatric ward a few months later, from what I've been told he's still there and there's no sign he'd getting any better. I visited him and gave him a picture of Krystina, that was the only time anyone's seen him smile is when he's looking at the picture. I also gave him the group picture from Christmas, that one is his favorite from what he's told me. We write letters to each other, we both loved her, but Krystina made the choice. He understands that and respects that.

Trevan and Gianna weren't heard from by anyone after Aubrey's wedding. They both did say that they wanted to get away from the gang life and live together at Drake's funeral.

Jesse is still doing what he's doing, undercover work. He's still a kick ass reporter, he reported on Krystina's death and did a damn good job on it. He didn't make her look like a killer, he made her look like a hero. Sacrificing her life and saving many more.

Zayn, Jay and Tristan are still part of the gang too. I heard that Zayn and Jay are higher leaders like Krystina was back in the day. But what would I know. Since Krystina I choose to stay away from the gang life.

Angie was broken beyond belief when she heard Krystina died. She felt like a terrible mother and that the whole thing was her fault. She thinks if she never contacted Krystina, she'd still be alive. She and my mom are now good friends, sharing stories about Krystina and I.

I did what Krystina always said I should do. Move to a big city and become successful in something in passionate about. It took me a whole to get my ass in gear and figure out what exactly I was passionate about.  I decided to pack up and move to Florida. I was down here trying to figure out what I was passionate about, and I didn't realize until I ran into my current girlfriend Veronica in the hospital when I broke my arm. I wanted to do something in honor of Krystina.


Four years later.

30 years old.

I've become a doctor.

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