Chapter 10 // The Player Called Me By My Last Name

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Andie's POV

Walking with Kale feels exactly how I imagined it to be. It feels awkward but sweet at the same time. Awkward because I've never really talked to him. The only word I've said to him since the 7th grade was "uh" and it's really embarrassing. 

Sweet because he keeps on making sure that I will feel secured of some sort. For example,before we head out from our school,he opened the door for me. He followed me just an inch behind because he said that's what a boy should do when he's walking with a girl. 

Can you just freaking see why I like him so much?

"How come I've never had a chance to talk to you before?" he chuckled lightly while digging into his jeans' pockets making his biceps stretch along the sleeves of his blue shirt. Oh god I think I'm gonna faint. His muscles are flexing without him actually flexing it!

"I mean,I've seen you everyday. I've heard of your name every recitation in class and even during your games. And I still don't know why I'm not friends with you" he continued as he was glancing at me with almost every word he says flashing me a one line smile after saying it. 

"I really don't know why I did the same thing as you" I smiled back but with more confusion in my voice. 

As we were having a little chitchat,we were already passing the town's bakery and it reminded me that we only have a few more minutes before this walk ends. I really don't want this to end. This is the first time that I'm actually talking to Kale and it would be such a shame to end it THIS early. 

"You know what's funny? I already had the guts to talk to you after 3 years!" he chuckled,this time,he was already following my speed. 

Wait,what does he mean by 3 years? 

"3 years?" I replied,looking down to my feet as I was walking. 

What does he mean by that? Does it mean he has been thinking of ways of how to talk to me since 3 years ago? Wait,let me think. What happened 3 years ago?

That's weird? I thought he was with Jane Lake that time?

"Remember Jane?," he asked,as if he was reading my mind,"my rumored 'girlfriend' 3 years ago? Actually,she wasn't really my girlfriend. I've been asking her how to ask a girl our like for real because I wanna ask you out that time but it didn't work out since we're just 14 back then" we both laughed in a chorus manner. Oh my gosh! I didn't know he liked me back then? Is this a dream or something? Because if it is,please do me a favor and don't wake me up!

"Ohmygod! You're the only one who made me laughh this hard again!" I slowly kicked a random rock infront of me as my laugh subsided. 

"I'm glad I made you smile" I looked at him and he was also looking at me,smiling,no..grinning. He totally looks like an angel. His teeth are so perfect! The way his eyes smile the ways his lips do is just breathtaking. And when he runs his fingers through his brown hair it makes me wanna drool.


Before I could speak any further,I realized the familiar gray cement with black spots leading to my house's front yard. And in front of our porch stands my brother,Chad. He was glaring at Kale,I can see it. Believe me,I've seen him do this since I've dated some guys who also walked me home. I can see his death glare even if the sunset caused the tree's shadow infront of our house to cover his eyes.

I looked at my brother and gave him the 'not now' signal. 

"I guess I gotta head in now" I gave Kale a shy smile while I tried the curl-your-hair-to-your-ear thing. "You look beautiful" he said in a half whisper tone and then he planted a soft kiss on my cheek.

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