Chapter 1 // Chad's cheating girlfriend

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Andie's POV

"Oh c'mon! You're obviously gonna ditch this girl again and tell her you got fever or something" this is basically our morning routine. Every morning,before we eat breakfast,me and my brother would always talk about the girls that he's dating. And I would always tell him how much of a douchebag he is for breaking girls' hearts. 

"Andie,is it my fault that Kylie isn't THAT hot as before?" he grabbed his towel from his closet and immediately run along the stairs. 

"What's up with you guys only caring about how hot a girl is?" seriously,why are guys like that? They only care about how much of a "10" a girl is. 

"Sis,we also look at their personality but then we think looks are more important than that,psh. Right dad?" he placed his towel on the chair and sat next to dad. Who's reading the daily news. 

Dad let out a chuckle and placed the newspaper at the end of the table. 

"I love your mother because of her great cooking not because she has," he leaned next to my brother and whispered,"big booty" they both laughed which had me on my disgusting-face-look. 

"Why are you even arguing about this Kylie girl?" My dad continued,while he was taking a sip from his white cup of coffee. "Because he will ditch that poor girl again later at school" I said with a low tone joining the two gentleman on the table. 

"Son,why would you do that?" 

We both looked at Chad who was chewing on is bacon. 

"Like I told you,she's not hot anymore." 

You see,I only hate my brother because of this. When it comes to the girls he date,I see him as a total asshole. But then I still love him for being a mature brother for me. 

"Andie,we need to go we only got 15 minutes before the bell" Chad was running along the open field of our school while fixing his hair. What's up with him? It's not like his first class is on the 4th bldg. "Can you please chillax?! Besides,why are you even panicking?" I adjusted the strap of my bag and followed my brother's footsteps. 

"I am dating this new chick! Her name's Bianca. We've been dating for 3 weeks and I honestly think she's changing me." Ohgod. So he's ditching Kylie BECAUSE he's dating a new chick not because Kylie's not so hot anymore. 

"She's changing you? HAHAHA! You're kidding me,right? Last time I checked,you're ditching another girl for her. Bro,you got some issues. HAHAHA!" I tied my hair and let out a laugh.

"No. Seriously Ands,this girl..she's amazing." Wow,this is actually my first time hearing my older brother talk like this. Like he's enchanted or something. Whatever this girl did,all I can say was "Hallelujah!" 

"She's...she's smart,lovely..she's just truly--" I was waiting for my brother's next line but then he stopped his tracks almost causing me to trip since I was behind him. Ugh,what's with him again? I walked infront of him and I,myself,also froze. Before me,there's this girl wearing white tank top and a pink skirt kissing this totally hot guy who's probably...

Duke Orsino,our soccer team's center forward.


Is that Just no. "Uhm, that the Bianca you were talking about?" I slowly turned to my brother who's cheeks are turning crimson red. His hands making a fist. Oh no. This is not good. This is definitely not good. 

"BIANCA!" my brother suddenly yelled causing everyone to look at us. 

Holy shit. We are making a scene.

Before I could even stop my brother,the next thing I knew was he was already punching Duke. It was so chaotic that everyone surrounded them. Bianca,the cheating girlfriend,was even worried about Duke instead of my brother. WHAT A BITCH! How can I even get through this wild teens?!

"HEY! STOP!" Yeah Andie,yelling is the best idea you got.

I pushed some people out of the circle until I finally got in. Shit. There were a lot of blood flowing out of Duke's nose. My brother also got blood around his lips. That's it! I need to stop this..well,without getting hit of course. I pushed my brother who's on top of Duke and stopped him from getting Duke killed. "Stop! Just stop!" I yelled. Everyone stopped yelling and cursing at each other. Bianca was beside Duke who was still lying on the floor. I looked at Bianca for a second and gave her the look.

Making sure I made her guilty of what she has done.

"C'mon,let me take you to the clinic." I assisted my brother. 


"He'll be fine,don't worry. We just need to put band aid on the bridge of his nose since it got hit pretty hard." the nurse reassured us while we were sitting on the clinic's couch. 

"Are you gonna be fine?" I asked my brother,who's in deep pain right now,not because of the scars and bruises he got but because of his first heartbreak,I guess? 

"I don't know. I guess I'm still mad for what happened earlier. I can't handle to see the both of them because if I do,I think I can kill." okay,is it just me or the heartbreak was pretty intense? 

This is,again,the first time that my brother got so furious. 

But seriously though,I am also mad because of what they did to my brother. I mean,I can finally see that he's close to falling in love,like for real this time but then it was ruined. And I can't afford to see my brother in such an awful memory. I hate what they did. And I'm gonna make sure... 

that Duke Orsino will pay. 


A/N :

Hey guys! This is the first chapter and I hope you're already liking it. Please help me spread this story,it would mean a lot. Thanks guys!

Read,vote and comment!

P.S I didn't proof read.


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