Chapter 11 // The Beast Gets What It Wants

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Andie's POV

I was frozen in my spot looking at Duke's forest green colored eyes. It's crazy how I noticed that tiny feature of his face. I normally would just look at him directly and not see how incredible his eyes are. What was I supposed to say? It's not like I want him to actually prove himself to me.

It's not like I want him to court me or something.

I was still hanging in there while he was waiting for an answer and all I could hear was the splashing of water and the sound of Coach Marx' pitiful yell. "Well?" I was drawn out of my thought when he finally spoke revealing this deep voice.

"I..I guess I could give you a chance." I murmured and looked straight away.

I don't wanna make eye contact!

"Really?! Great. I'll pick you up at 7."

Wait what? What does he mean by I'll pick you up at 7? Does he mean,he's gonna take me out tonight?! I thought he'll plan on taking me out on a friday night or this saturday morning? What am I supposed to say? I'm not even prepared for this!

"W-wait. We'll go out tonight?" I stood up immediately and snap my head up to him.

"Yeah,why? Do you have plans?"

Stop making an excuse,you know you want to go out with him. NO I DON'T. I'm just not ready to actually hang out with him for the very first time.

"No,I don't," Why are my palms so sweaty? Gosh,it's not even humid! "I'll see you at 7," I was about to leave when I remembered. Where is he taking me anyway? "Hey,where are you taking me anyway?" I scratched my nape and then he flashed me his popular smirk.

"That's for you to find out," he then turned around to walk his way back towards the pool and then he spun around just like what I did earlier, "take care,Hastings" he nods once more and fully walked his way.

Something just urks me about Duke. Sigh,I wish I could've said no. I'll be with that arrogant prick tonight and there's no way of holding back now. Great mistake so far,Andie. Shut up inner voice.


"Holy macaroni! Don't freaking tell me you're going out with him tonight?!" I was in the middle of internally screaming and rummaging through my clothes to find an outfit to wear for tonight when Cass damaged my hearing senses by freaking out through out the whole time she's inside my room.

"Okay,it was a total misunderstanding! I just wanted him to prove himself to me by treating me in a nice way...I didn't think that dude was thinking about dates and stuff!" I yelled back as I was throwing clothes in and out of my closet.

Just when I was about to pick another top,Cass pulled me by my shoulders and made me face her. "You have got to look perfect for tonight!" she shook my shoulders so hard that it made me start to believe that it's possible to have a shoulder dislocation.

"Cass! Can you please stop freaking out? Because honestly,I'm 3 seconds close to calling the cops!"

"Alright. Okay. Alright. I'll stop yelling. But duuude! Duke is taking you out to dinner! Lighten up! We have to search for a perfect outfit. We don't want him to think you look like a turd or something," she chuckled as she knelt down infront of my closet.

"Now I'm starting to think that it was a wrong idea to invite you over." I knelt down with her and we started digging in to a pile of clothes. "C'mon! You know you need me more than ever. " she smirked and I hit her on her arm which made her giggle.

"Besides,it's not like I wanna look good. I just want to look presentable,that's all. I can just throw in a pair of jeans and some sweatshirt and I'm all set." I shrugged.

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