Well Someone's Being A Little Bitch.

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"Well... that was fucking weird" Austin Chuckled as Phil literally sprinted out of the bus.

"Yeah, I wonder what's going on with him..." I said

"Ehh, he's proubly jusy lonely. He hasn't had a girlfriend in a while" Austin shrugged

"You're right, we should set him up with someone!" I smiled at him

"Yeah, we could do that. I know a couple girls here, we could have a date for him by tonight" he said

"Then call one and I'll go talk to him." I concluded, getting off Austins lap and walking out the door.

"PPPPPPHHHHHIIIIIILLLLLL" I called out, walking behind the bus.

"What do you want Alan?" He sighed, turning to face me.

"What would you say if I could get you a date with someone perfect?" I exclaimed

"I would call you a liar." He mummbled and stomped away

"Well, someone's being a little bitch" I mumbled

I walked back onto the bus and Austin looked up. He opened up his arms and I climed onto his lap.

"Phil is being difficult." I sighed

"Well, I got him a date for tonight at 9:30 so he better warm up to the idea pretty quick." Austin said

"I think... it will take some persuasion from you my beautiful price charming."I joked

"Then I shall talk to him tonight my gallient Ginger Princess!" He said "But in the mean time.. there's been something I've been wanting to do to you all day." He said trailing his hand up my thigh.

"Oh fuck yes." I said locking his lips with my own


Sorry about how short it was.. and about the cock block. I lost inspiration for this story but I'm trying my best to get it back. I'll proubly start the next chapter with them fucking so get excited if that's the only reason you like this story! Byyyeee! Love ya'!


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2014 ⏰

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