Chapter 28

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*KyungMi's POV*

"Are you guys kidding me?!, I said, you guys have to be kidding! There is no way that HeeYoung isn't our sister!" "It's true Kyung" MiYoung said. "Who told you that?!, I shouted, your piece of crap husband?" MiYoung stood up and got in my face. "Don't you talk about him like that!, she said, he did this for our family." "He is not your family! You can divorce him, I said, We are forever and regardless if this IS true about HeeYoung... JongDae's brother is dead because of him. "

"I can't divorce him, MiYoung said, the marriage has been consummated and YiXing did not kill JongDae's brother." "Yes he did! It's all his fault! He's evil!" I said. "Whoa thats my brother,Tao said, He is NOT evil. I believe what MiYoung is saying is true and HeeYoung was a serious risk to all of our safety. Right now you all need to be united and prepared in case your father is out to get you too." I put my head down. "Fine...lets do the spell, I said, Tao is right and we need to be ready in case of an attack." I sat on the floor and waited for the potion to be finished. "Alright~, JinHee said, its ready. Theres only one more thing we need... Beloved's blood." "What the hell is that?" MiYoung asked. "The blood of someone that loves you?,JinHee said, I have Tao...You have King YiXing... But what about Kyung?" "I have Jongdae~" I said. My sisters and brother-in-law stared at me. "Long story~" I said.


*JinHee's POV*

I looked at KyungMi curiously. "Okay~ so you have JongDae but we don't have him here for his blood." I said. "Damnit!" Tao said. "Damn what?" YiXing said as he pushed open the door. "YiXing!... Uh... I can explain.. We're uhh..." MiYoung stammered. "It's okay~, YiXing said, don't explain. I can see... I guess this is the part where you need my blood." We all started at him. "What the hell~?" I said. "The oracle~" MiYoung and YiXing said at the same time. YiXing sat on the floor next to MiYoung. We were all in a circle around the cauldron. "So how are we gonna do this if KyungMi doesnt have JongDae's blood to complete the spell?" "I dont know~" MiYoung said as she dipped her finger in the potion subconsciously. Something strange happened. A light began to glow from under her night dress. We all stared at her. "M-M-MiYoung? What is that?!" I said.


*MiYoung's POV*

I looked down at the light seeming to come from my chest. My eyes widened in shock. I touched my chest cautiously and felt my amulet. I reached in my night dress and pulled it out. The glow was coming from the necklace. "What is that?" Everyone said in unison. I moved the pendant and I saw that a liquid moved inside it. "What was that?" YiXing said. He saw it move since he was sitting close to me. "I think~ i think it's blood !" I said. KyungMi put her finger in the potion and her necklace also started to glow. JinHee also followed suit. I starred at my necklace for a while then notice the middle piece was a vial. "It's a vial of blood!" I said. JinHee grabbed our mother's diary and thumbed through the pages. "Yes! , she yelled, it is blood... Its our mother's blood!" I quickly opened the vial and poured it into the potion.. "Guys~, I said, If anyone ever loved us in this world its our mother. Thats got to be the most beloved blood." KyungMi nodded and poured in her vial of blood. JinHee did the same. We joined hands and read the incantation. The room shook and wind blew in though the windows were closed. We sat there in shock. Soon things went back to normal. "Did it work?" JinHee asked. We all stared at her with widened eyes. "JinHee!, Tao exclaimed, You're levitating! "

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