Chapter 7

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People say that twins share a special bond;it’s the same case with me and Seth. We were really close, inseparable, and when Aiden left, he was my pillar, my strength… He was there when I was crying my heart out… He was the one who told me there was a bright tomorrow waiting for me; he made me believe in life again… I was an emotional wreck; if it was not for my baby and Seth, I wouldn’t have finished college. Adelyn came as a ray of hope, and I started to live for my daughter...

Seth had urged me to move on, telling me that Aiden was my past, that I should give love another shot. But I couldn’t forget the guy that I’d loved for years; people envied our relationship with awe, and no one could replace him, our love was divine. I was stubborn, but deep inside I hurt from upsetting my family. I wanted to know why he left me; all I needed was closure.

Things changed on that day when Seth confessed in his drunken state that he and Aiden were in contact with each other all this while, that he knew the reason behind Aiden’s decision, and he vowed to keep it safe from me... It was like a punch to my gut, to say that I was shell shocked was an understatement. I was furious, and there was a big fight, the first serious fight between me and Seth. 

I demanded him to talk, but he wasn’t ready… I pleaded, and he ignored my continuous pleas. I told him I would move on in life if he tells me what went wrong; however he didn’t break his silence. I was offended, and I vowed to him that I would never forgive him, never fall in love again… He stopped talking to me, yes, he literally abandoned me, and that was enough reason for us to drift apart.

I missed my brother; no doubt in that. I missed his laugh, bad jokes; moreover, I missed having him around.   I thought I was mad at him, but one look at his grinning face, I realized I could never stay angry at him for long, no matter what happens.

I pulled back from the hug and looked at his face.“Took you long enough to visit your sister, but I am glad you are here,” I said in between tears, hurt evident in my voice.

 “I’m sorry, Sarah,” his voice croaking with emotion. Guilt and pain filled his features, and he looked anywhere but at me. “I want you to forgive me, and end this little rivalry. I miss my sister,” a small sob escaped his lips in spite of his effort to stay calm. I immediately took his hands in mine, and pressed it gently to soothe him. It upset me to see him sad, and I know how much Seth hates feeling vulnerable.

“Hush, big boys never cry… You are such a girl,” I tried to joke.

He blinked his eyes to stop the tears from falling, and gave me a small smile. “I am glad we are okay,” he told, and I couldn't help the huge grin that broke out on my face, and I hit him hard on his arm...

“Ouch, what was that for?” he whined.

“Never fight with me again,”I told him in a serious tone. He smiled at me brightly and at that moment, I realized that my brother really is back, and things were going to be fine between us once again. We were both smiling from ear to ear; I wanted to ask him many things, but I was overwhelmed with joy, and I stood there grinning…

Our happy moment was interrupted when I heard a gasp from behind, and we looked at the intruder, and saw our mother looking at us with an awestruck face.

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