Queen Scarlett

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Hey you! Do you see her over there? Standing on that stone platform? That's her majesty, Queen Scarlett. You better listen well to her thrilling story and description, or she will have your wings on the walls. Because this is her story. Listen well!

Scarlett knew very well even before she hatched she would be a Queen. She finally skipped through time till she became one. "Mother, I have a thrilling announcement for all skywing peasants and royalty to know!" Scarlett declared dramatically. "Oh, I must know this wonderful news first?" said Queen Rosewood. Oh, be surprised Mother. "No, everyone must know at once!" she said firmly. "Tell me now," said Rosewood. "Or else." Scarlett made a sad face then said " I guess you will never know." she said sadly. Rosewood growled in frustration then said in an annoyed tone of voice. "Fine, get on with it!" She flew quickly to the highest balcony."Skywings, my daughter has an announcement." Scarlett stepped forwards and cleared her throat then finally boomed "I will be Queen...forever." 

"I, Princess Scarlett challenge you for the name of the throne of Skywings!" she cried. Scarlett surveyed her audience and said "I will be the best Queen of the Skywings, you will respect me, favor me and love me. If anyone disobeys my rules, I will have you killed. I will care for you and you will care for me, I promise we can be the proud and beautiful tribe we never were!" If only that was true. "You are not Queen yet," Rosewood boomed. "You make a terrible speech when you are not Queen, we haven't fought in the arena, and today we will fight!" They flew un- hurridly to the arena. Scarlett saw a deep red color land next to Rosewood. She knew exactly who it was. She was filled with fury after seeing her. Crimson, you were always Mothers favorite. I will kill you first before you ever outsmart me by running away from jail, prison or anything. Crimson was her younger sister, who had always outsmarted her, and was always too sweet and kind to anyone. She was the reason she wanted her family dead. She was the reason she became Queen.

She was filled with fury when Crimson spoke. "Mother, Scarlett why do you have to fight, Mother you're getting old maybe you should abdicate?" Crimson cried. "No, I will never forfeit to a challenger, especially Scarlett," Rosewood said.  "Bring it on, Mother," Scarlett said. She charged towards her wings and ripped a part of her wings scales. Rosewood let a cry of rage. She attacked her face and nearly pulled of Scarlett's own flesh. Scarlett lightly wrapped her tail around her Mothers throat, then pulled as tightly as she could. Rosewood started clawing at Scarlett's tail. Rosewood breathed a huge flame on Scarlett's tail, as she jumped back from her own burn when she aimed carelessly. Scarlett roared with fury. Then slammed her tail hard on Rosewoods head. She clawed at her mother's face reaching for her neck. Break it, now, she thought furiously. She twisted her talons around, then with a tiny yank there was a loud crack and everyone knew their lives were going to change very quickly.

"Crimson, Dear?" Scarlett smiled. "Yes, your Majesty?" she replied. Scarlett's' face changed from being absolutely kind to aggressive. "Time for your execution!" Scarlett exclaimed. Crimson was stuck to the ground. She has lost her battle. But before Scarlett could call her guards, Crimson flew away fast. "No!" she roared. "Guards get her now!"

The guards did nothing. "You imbeciles, if you don't get her you'll be next!!" Scarlett howled. The guards took off in fast motion after Crimson. I'm coming for you Crimson...just you wait...

Scarlet raised her snout to her thrilling audience! "My subjects! Things will be changing, very much..!" she grinned. Some stared at Rosewood in horror. Some slowly clapped their talons together. "How dare you yearn for a traitor to the throne!" she roared. She grabbed a guard, who was staring at Rosewood with horror and slit his throat in one slick move. "Who's next!" she yelled. "Her Majesty! True owner to the throne! Queen Scarlet all mighty!" one subject cried.

Pathetic, lizards. She thought pityingly for once. All the other mindless idiots yelled that as well. Then she saw the guards hurry back holding someone she hated so much. Crimson. Scarlet couldn't stop smiling. "Public execution tomorrow!" she cried with joy. Crimson looked so sad and most pathetic. 

Scarlet passed by a few of the tribes' famous builders then she suddenly pointed to one of them. "You!" she cried. He pointed to himself. "Me?!" he cried. Scarlet nodded. "Insert gold all over the throne room, not on the throne, but in the walls, if it's not done by tomorrow, well whoops for you! Another execution!" she shouted. He backed off grabbing other dragons asking for help. 


"Execute her in, three, two, one!" The ax swung round Crimsons' head smoothly. The crowd gasped. "No! Not Princess Crim-" one screamed. There was a deadly silence. "Who said that?" Scarlet hissed. Everyone pointed there talons to one dragonet. I hate dragonets, horrible, ugly things. She thought. One female dragon leaped in front of him. "Please your Majesty! Spare him, he doesn't know!" she cried. Scarlet gestured for the female dragon. She gulped and stepped forward then bowed low. "You will be executed before your son, how thrilling!" Scarlet cried with delight. Everyone stared in fear. She stared at Scarlet with despair. "Please your highness!" she screamed. The guards grabbed her gently as she protested. "Please!"

"Like Mother, Like Son," Scarlet answered. Her screams filled the air. The ax swung down onto her neck about to hit. "Wait," Scarlet called. "Smash her snout until she shuts up." The dragonet shrieked in despair. The guards bashed it up, she whimpered in fear then finally stopped. "Kill her," Scarlet said. The ax slowly came down onto her head. At last she was dead.

To be continued..

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