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I wish I could let the pain out.

Anger boils inside of my veins.
The pain is excruciating.
But my heart is so numb.
I feel so weak.
I'm too weak to scream.

But I wish I could scream.
I hate that I feel this way.
I hate that you make me feel this way.
I hate that I make myself feel this way.

Self inflicted pain is my only solution.
It's the only thing that makes me feel again.
It's the only thing that keeps me sane.

My body aches.
Just a memory of your touch sends me into a earthquake of sorrow.
It shatters me into pieces.
You shattered me into pieces.

I try putting myself back together.
But there's this missing piece.
A missing piece that only you have.

I gave you a part of my heart.
But I want it back.
I want it back!

I'm constantly in a whirlwind of pain and anger.
I'm torn between burning in a sea of my own rage,
Or freezing in the quicksand of my poignancy.

I wish I could say I hate you.
But I can't.
I hate what you're doing to me.
But I don't hate you.

I was selfish in the way I acted.
But now you're doing things just to get an reaction.

I'm angry but all I can seem to do is cry.
Acerb tears trickle down my crimson cheeks.
All that is shown through my eyes is bitterness.

I hate what's happening to me.
I shouldn't be feeling this way.
Or maybe I should.

It's your fault.
A constant croon that plays in my heart.
It's your fault.

And maybe it is.
I've committed a crime against your heart.
I deserve to be punished.
But surely even a prisoner charged of the highest crime hasn't received this type of extreme sentence.
But my conscience is the judge.
And I'm suffering the sentence.
That I think I deserve.

I'm not the only villain in this story.
I'm not.
But why does it feel like this?

We both weren't good for each other.
It was inevitable that we'd be the cause of each others destruction.
It was inevitable that we'd be the cause of our own destruction.

But we took a chance anyway.
We took a chance anyway.
We took a chance.

I learnt something from you.
I hope you learned something from me.

I no longer wish I could hate you.
Because I know I never will.

The pain is slowly starting to subside.
The anger is slowly starting to subside.
I'm gaining my strength again.
And I can get through this.
My heart is no longer numb.
It will never be the same again, but it's not numb.
And that's good enough.
It's not my fault. It's not my fault.
I'm not the villain
It's noone's fault.
It just wasn't meant to last.
I don't have to scream anymore.
I don't have to scream anymore
Because I can speak.

I finally let the pain out.
I finally let you go.


Thanks for reading! I really do appreciate it. I hope you enjoyed this.
Positive criticism is welcomed😊
Have a good one.

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