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My ear buds blast a constant melody.
It's been on repeat since I got home.
It's the only thing keeping my heart steady.
The constant melody is the only thing keeping my sanity in check.

Easy does it, just breathe.
I'm struggling to inhale oxygen,
Because all I seem to do is inhale your toxins.
Easy does it, just breathe.

I have to be strong.
I tell myself.
I have to be strong.
But nausea enfolds me into its familiar clutches.
I don't know how much I can take.

The constant croon beats in a similar motion to my heart.
But inside my anger boils in a volcano of hurt.
And I feel close to eruption.
Stay constant, stay cool.

The world's polluted my fragile mind.
Whatever shred of contentment I attempted to salvage has slithered away.
I'm haunted by fabricated composure.
I'm haunted by the lies I've conjured up.
You'll be okay.
But will I be?
There's only so many things a broken soul can take in this heartless world.

The tempered refrain forbears my emotions.
But for how long will this be the lullaby of the nightmare that is my life?
How long will I abstain from expressing  emotion?
Boiling and burning inside, I remain constant on the exterior.

Easy does it, just breathe.
You have to be strong.
Stay constant, stay cool.
You'll be okay.
My ear buds blast this, the only constant thing in my wretched life.

Easy does it, just breathe.
You have to be strong.
Stay constant, stay cool.
You'll be okay.
You'll be okay.
You'll be okay.


Thank you for reading.
Positive criticism is welcomed.
Have a good one.

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