dark place

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I was in a dark place.
I was sinking in the quicksand that is my mind.
Struggling in my pain I just fell deeper and deeper into a familiar abyss.
But I felt safer there than in the real world.
It was my comfort zone.

Although tormented by the 'what ifs' and the 'should'ves' I still didn't want to leave.
I was swallowed by my insecurities.
It consumed me.
I constantly blamed myself.
I blamed myself for things no one could take the blame for.
Yet it was still my safe haven.

Suffocated by my sorrow I still stayed.
Because by putting myself in that dark place, away from the world.
It prevented my from getting hurt outside, outside in reality.

I relished in the anger.
I was boiling inside.
It was the only thing that made me feel.
It was the only thing that seeped through my cold, bitter heart.
And made me numb all at once.
I was comfortable.
I was fading in the darkness.
But my pain solidified me, making me stronger.
Making me colder.

I was in dark place.
A felt so alone, yet I stayed.
I was drowning.
Sinking deeper and deeper.
Losing myself.
I felt so claustrophobic, yet I stayed.
Gasping for air.
My mind was filled with toxic thoughts.
I was in a dark place and there was no space for light.
I suffocated on too much emotion.
The list goes on.
I was in dark place.
It swallowed me whole.
And I enjoyed it, because at least I was safe.

I was in a dark place.
I was in a dark place.
And I started to recognise it.
Recognising that it was no longer my safe haven, but my prison.
It took time, but I got out.
Instead of keeping people out, I let them in.
I let the light in.
Tearing my walls down, brick by brick.
I didn't feel alone anymore.
I could breathe, it was difficult but I could breathe again.
I was in dark place.
It was my instinctive hideout from the world.

I was in a dark place.
But I've escaped it.
And even though I know I will return there again.
I have a rescuer.

I was in a dark place.
I'm grateful I'm not there anymore.


Hey there😄 Hope you enjoyed reading this. I hope it was an eye opener. If you are or know anyone who's in a dark place get help, or help them. It's difficult but you have to try. Just try.
Speak up, even if you're afraid.
Have courage, I believe in you!
Anyhoo, positive criticism is ALWAYS welcomed😉 And lemme know what you think.
Thanks for reading x
Have a good one.

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2022 ⏰

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