At Manali.

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Avni p.o.v.

And at last I have reached Manali. Oh this feeling . So Manali be ready . I am coming.

(p.o.v. ends.)

N- hey Avni .
A- Hai Neil .Good morning.
N- good morning yaar. So ready for the trek.
A- ya. Neil I've  heared that your dream is to travel around the world?
N- yes .
A- years before this was my dream too. But during a trip like this I lost everything.
N- Ali said it .
A- So will meet you during trek.

Sumer (camp instructor) - So we are starting our trek. Before that I will make you into pairs.

Ali and Kanak
Rhea and Dev
Avni and Neil
(The list goes on)

They started to climb the mountain. Neil was staring at Avni. Avni was blushing a little because of Neil's stare. It came to an end by Mitali's entry.

M- Neil babe aww so cute.
A- Neil who is this?
N- avni , this is Mitali. My school friend.
A- Oh I see. Myself Avni
M- Mitali Sharma
N- so mitali let's go together.
( Hearing this avni got jealous.)
A- you guys carry on. I will rest sometime and come.
M- OK.

At night in the camp .

Avni ,Rhea & Kanak are making dinner. Neil and Mitali are dancing together.

A- oh this Mitali. Always with Neil. "Neil babe aww so cute."(imitating mitali)
R- you know Avni she is always behind him. He just consider her as his friend.

K- don't worry. Before this trek ends I will teach her a lesson.

Just then Neil & Ali entered.

N- so guys dinner ready.
A- ya. Rhea made everything.
N- you didn't even help her.
K- if she had helped,oh my god.
A- basically I am not good at cooking.

All went to the camp fire. Avni was sitting on her bed. She thought to write her diary. She took the pen and started to write.

After sometime she fell asleep. Neil came there and saw her sleeping. He made her sleep comfortably. Just then he saw her diary. He flipped through the pages and read it. After reading he came to know about that avni doesn't have self confidence. She thinks her to be a nerdy, unlucky girl.

He thought about how to bring back the old Avni. He also read that she loved to travel in her past. So he was ready to make Avni the Craziest girl ever.

The next morning

N- today Mitali is going to be the puppet .

M- Hai Neil.
N- ah mitali. I just thought about you right now.
M- oh so sweet.
N- can you act as my girlfriend Infront of Avni.
M- OK .

At the Camp-

N- so guys I would like to tell you all that Mitali will be joining with me and Avni during the trek.

K- what this Mitali.

Avni gearing this stood up and went to a lonely place. Everyone noticed the tears in her eyes.

Avni p.o.v.

Avni you were wrong. You doesn't even deserve his friendship. Then you are going to be his love. Why Avni . No just control Avni.

So guys I am back. I think you liked the chappy. Next will be the last chappy of the flashback.

PRECAP- Neil hugging Avni .

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