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Meahs POV
Today was the day I finally got to leave the hospital! Yay.. Cameron, Taylor, and Matt were coming to pick me up. Taylor walked in with a tie dye shirt and some basketball shorts. "Thanks." I said to him. "No problem just tell me when your done and I'll get your crutches then we can leave." he said. "Okayyyy." I replied dragging out the y.
I finished getting dressed and just threw my hair up in a pony tail. I shrugged 'they saw me worse. I'm not trying to impress anyone.' I thought. "Ok I'm ready taylor." I said and he handed my crutches to me. We started walking...erm kinda, out to the car they had rented. Cam and Matt were waiting outside in the car for us. I put my crutches in and sat beside Taylor. 'This is gonna be a long ride' I thought.
Still meahs POV
When we got to the hotel Matt jumped out and opened my door for me. I thanked him and we started to walk inside. The floor was wet but I didn't realize so my crutches slipped. "Woah!" I said but then someone caught me before I fell. "Man it's only been a few hours and your falling for me already." Matt said and winked. (I got that from another story I just don't remember which so creds to them!!) "Haha very funny Matt." I said and got up and crutched(idk if that's a word😂) over to the elevator. They got on with me. "Um guys?" I said. "What? Do you need something?" Cam asked. "No, but um who am I staying with?" I asked him. "Oh your staying with me, Nash and Hayes." Cam told me. "Ooh! Can I sleep in the bed with Hayes!?" I asked him. "Does wittle Meah have a wittle cwush?" Taylor asked in a baby voice while wiggling his eyebrows at me. "Eewwww! No! He's like my little brother and I trust him more then Nash. Don't tell him I said that." I told them. "If you want to you can. Just make sure it's ok with Hayes alright?" Cam said while glaring at Taylor. "Yay! Thanks Cam!" I said and got off the elevator with then on floor 7. "Cam what room are we in I'm really tired I just want to sleep." I said while yawning. "732. And we'll be in 734. Right across the hall if you need anything okay?" "Okay" (😁 couldn't resist!) I took the key and went to the room. All I remember is setting down my stuff falling on a bed and then went into a deep, dark, sleep.....

Sorry I haven't updated and sorry this is all Meahs POV. I'm working on the next chapter so it should be up by tomorrow... Thanks for the reads!😄
Cya later lovelies!
Love Riley💚💛💙💜❤️💖😘

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