Chapter Twenty

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Betty POV

Warning: Smut

He kisses my jawline and then my neck making me moan. He throws off his jacket and then pulls off mine not breaking his contact to my skin. He keeps kissing my neck and then he picked me up and I wrap my legs around his waist as starts to kiss me. He places me on the bed carefully and as he is stood at the foot off the bed and pulled off his tshirt revealing his toned chest and his snake two headed snake tattoo that went from his shoulder to his wrist on his right arm and his JONES tattoo along his left side. I lays back down on top of me in between my legs. He begins to kiss me then he pulls away from me.

"Are you sure you want this? Because I kind of just feel like I forced you to...." I cut him off by kissing him.

"Yes Jug. I want this. I want you and you didn't force me to do anything."

"Ok. But if you want me to stop just say. Ok?"


I say as he reconnects our lips and pulls off my shirt and pulls down my jeans leaving me in just my panties and bra. He look down at me and just smirked and then reached behind me and unclipped my bra and threw it on the floor.

"Your so beautiful Betty." He says kissing my jawline. Making me moan.

He then pulled down my panties and trailed soft kisses from my jaw to in between my legs. He runs his tongue along my slit then he pushes his tongue into me he likes and thrusts and spins his tongue into me and making me moan. I grab onto his hair as I feel myself getting close which only makes him do it more furiously I I shoot up from laying on my back so I am sitting up I throw my head forward in pleasure as I reach my climax. I let out one last loud moan "JUGGIE!" And with that I collapsed back onto he bed and Jughead crawls back up to my face and kisses me.

"Was that ok?" He says in between kisses.

"Ok? Jug it was amazing."

"Do you want to stop?" He says kissing my neck

"No. I want you Jug. All of you."

"I'm warning you Betts I can change when it comes to sex. I will try and go easy.Ok? If you want me to stop or it gets to much then just tell me ok. I don't want you to feel pressured." He says not kissing me and looking me in the eyes deadly serious. Which I think is one of the things he loves about him. That he always wants me to feel like I have a choice and don't have to do anything I don't want to.

"Ok." He starts to kiss me again and pushes his jeans and boxers down so I can see all of him he was thick and long. And seeing all of him could only be described in one word. Magnificent. He reached into his night stand and pulls out a condom. He putts it on and runs his hand threw his hair so it was out of his face. Lays down on top of me and alines him self with me and slowly pushes in. It stung at first.

"Uh.....Betty?" He says pulling out the little bit he went in.


"Is this your.......first time?"

I nod and bite down in my bottom lip. He was bracing on his elbows and looking into my eyes.

"Shit! Betty you should have said. I could off I don't know made it more special?" He says I can see he's annoyed with himself I reach my hand up and cares his cheek.

"It is special Jug. It's with you. The man I love with all of my heart. I'm sorry I didn't say."

"It's ok Betts. I love you. Do you want to continue. Because if you don't that's ok we can plan this out so it's more romantic and....." i cut him of with a kiss

"I want to continue." He nods and slips back into me I wince a little as he slides in and out slowly but then the pain turns to pleasure. He begins to speed up and kiss my beak and then he grabs both my hands and holds them above my head. And behind to thrust harder into me as my moans get louder. As I get close I throw my head forward and he whispers in my ear "you can't come until I say you can."

He begins to pound into me harder making me nearly lose control. "Please Jug." I plead moaning loader

"Not yet." He growls at me as hi begins to nip at my skin.

"JUG! Please!!" He plead more

"Ok.Come for me Betts let me feel you tight around my cock." He says making me just lose it. I scream "FUCK! JUG!" And I feel my inner walls tighten around him. He says "shit" as he shoots his load into the condom why he's still inside me we stay like that trying to catch our breath he lets go of my hands as he pulls out I moan at the moment as I'm still a little sensitive.He throws the condom in the trash and pulls me to his side under the covers.

"Are you ok? I wasn't to rough was I?" He asks his voice full of worry.

"No Jug.That was amazing. I like be positive dominant side of you." He chuckles and kisses me.

"I love you."

"I love you too." We then drift of to sleep in each other's arms. Hear with Jug I feel safe. At home. Protect with him.

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