Chapter Thirty Five

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Betty POV

It was as the last round and Jugh head had a bust lip and a swollen eye and that was about it the other guy Tom was a lot worse both his sides where bruised and his face was all swollen. Jughead hit Tom one more time across the face and Tom fell in the ground he was out cold. The reef stoped the fight and Jughead went and sat back down in his corner of cage. They opened the cage door and let his team in and then his medic said I could come in if I want. I followed them in and they got to work on cleaning Jughead up and I kneeled down in front of him and he smiled at me as I held his hand. When he was cleaned up he pulled me into a kiss when we pull away we rest our for heads together and I say "you ok?"

"I'm fine are you ok?"


"I love you."

"I love you too." I say peking him in the lips I pull away completely and he puts his shirt on I walk out of the cage and sit back down. Tom was fully awake and him and Jughead where stood in the middle of the cage.

"Ladies and gentlemen the winner of tonight's snake belt is......THE UNDEFEATED KING HIMSELF JUGHEAD JONES!!!!!" The crowd goes crazy as the reff lifts Jugheads hands in the air and he was presented with his belt. He walked out of the cage and said hi to everyone and he wrapped his arm around my shoulders and we walked back to his office. We sit on the couch then he pulls me into his lap. He kisses my head and wraps his arms around me keeping me close. We sit and talk for a few minutes and Jug changes into a pair of sweatpants and he gets a clean tshirt and fixes his beanie in his head then he puts his brown leather shoulder holster and put his glock 40 into it then puts his serpent jacket on over it and you can't see it he alway has it on unless he in school obviously. I put mine serpent jacket on as well and Jughead gives me a kiss on the lips then puts his arm around my shoulders like he always dose and we walk into a different part of the warehouse where the party was we walk over to where Veronica,Fangs, Toni,Joaquin and Kevin where they where sat on a metal picnic table near the back. Jughead climbed onto the table and sat on it and I sat on the bench part in between his legs as he wraps his arms around me and I lean back into him.

About 10 minutes later I say.

"I'm going to get a drink. Jug you want one?" I say standing up

"Ye. Please."

"Anyone else?" They all say their good and I give Jug a peck on the lips and say "I'll be back in a sec." he smiles and says "I'll be waiting." I walk over to the bar and get two beers and as I was walking back someone grabs my arm and pulls me into a closet. I look up to see my dad stood there.


"Yes Elizabeth it's me. Know where taking you home we have to talk."

"I'm not going anywhere with you. Now leave me alone." I say going to walk out the door he knocked the beers out of my hands and holds the door shut.

"Your not going without talking to me."

"Why would I talk to you?"

"Because since your mother's dead you have no where to go and no one loves you so and as your guardian you have to come with me."

"So I haven't seen you since I was 13!"

"Well your only 17. Which means I'm responsible for you. So come on." He says grabbing my hand and pulls me out the closest and into a hall where no one was I try to break free but he just tightened his grip I try to shout for help but he put his hand on my mouth as he dragged me out the warehouse and into a ally where he threw me into the back of his car as he drives away. I sit there and reach into my pocket and look for my phone then my dad says "don't bother I have your phone right here." He says holding my phone up and putting it into his pocket as he keeps his eyes locked on the road. "What I leave you for 4 years and you become some serpent slut? To some gang banger? Your pathetic Betty." He says in a icy tone which makes me begin to sob I miss Jug I just want him to hold me and hold me close. He's probably worrying right now.

Jughead POV

Betty has been gone for a while now and I start getting a little worried. I get up and tell the others I'm going to look for Betty and they said they would help so we split up Toni and Veronica went to check the toilets and the dance floor and the rest of us split up and look around then after about 10 minutes of looking we couldn't find her and I was beginning to panic I decided to call her and she doesn't pick up so I text her

Jug🍔: Betts where are you? Xx

Jug🍔: Betty are you ok? Xx

Jug🍔: Betts let me know your ok.I'm worried. Xx

But there was no response. I'm in full panic mode we stop the party and all the serpents and I go back to the Whyte Wyrm to think of what to do all the serpents love Betty because she sometimes works the bar with Toni so she talks to a lot of them.

Betty POV

We pull into a motel and my dad drags me out of the car and throws me into a room and then says.

"You better get some sleep Betty where going to be leaving for Ohio in the morning and......" he was interrupted by my phone going off signalling I had a text it had gone off a few times with someone calling me but he ignored it.

"I'm not leaving Riverdale. And especially not with you." He slaps me across the face and says "you will talk to me with respect slut. Go to bed now! You have no choices!!"

He pointed to the couch I walk over and lay down on it and try to keep back the tears. I just want Jug.

It was about a hour later and I could hear my dad snore and it was now or nether. I quietly get up and walk over to the night stand and grab my phone but it was dead. Great.I walk to the door which was locked so I couldn't get out so I go to the window and jimmied it open and climbed out and just started to run and I hear my dad shout "ELIZABETH GET BACK HERE NOW!!!" I ignore him and run as fast as my legs will carry me and run into the woods.

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