Chapter Twenty Five

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Betty POV

After my dream last night I just wanted to have a pyjama day with Jug considering it was a Saturday and Jughead said he was cool with staying home in his pyjamas well his pyjamas are just sweatpants because he never wears a shirt. It was about 12:54 in the afternoon.Me and Jug where sat in the couch watching a movie when Jughead say "hey I have another MMA fight in 2 weeks. And I was wondering if you would maybe want to walk out with me?"

"What do you mean?" I ask not sure on what he's trying to get me to do.

"Well Betty as my girlfriend I want to to walk out with me. Which is when they say my name and I walk down to the cage with my team as it where and I want you to hold my hand as I walk down. You don't have to though if you don't want to I'm ok with that. But if you don't will you at least come and watch the fight?"

"Jug I would love to walk out holding your hand. I wouldn't miss it for the world." I say kissing him and resting my head on his " I love you."

"I love you too"

We sit and watch films all day. Wr ate take out and talked then at 11:24 we climbed into bed I was scrolling threw my camera roll and stumbled upon one of me and my mom. She had her arms around me hugging each other we looked happy. I couldn't help but let tears role down my face. Then Jug come in from the bathroom and wraps his arms around me. "Betts what up. What happened?" I still couldn't help the tears to stop falling down. When I calm down a bit I finally talk "I miss her Jug. She never going to see me graduate. She will never see me get married. She never see me again and I will never see her again." I say crying "I know Betts. I know you miss her." He say kissing me we fall asleep tangled in each others arms.

I woke up at 5:46. I couldn't see or feel Jug in the bed so I get up and look for him he wasn't in the apartment so I go down to the bar knowing now one would be there because its closed at this time. I was stood in the empty bar and still couldn't see Jug then I walk into the back which is behind the bar and hear Jughead shouting in the basement. I carefully walk down the stairs without making a noice and see Jughead and a guy strapped to a chair covered in blood and bruises. Then I see Jug punch the guy straight in the stomach and say "Don't play dumb with me I now you know what happened to her and who did it! So tell me and I may consider spearing your life."

"I ante telling you shit Jones." The guy says as his head dips down.

"Fine I'm sick of trying to pressure you so done with you good luck in hell asshole." Jughead say punching him a couple more times then pulling out his 40 cal and shooting the guy in the head with no remorse or even change in his appearance. He turns and sees me looking at him with a face of horror. How could he just kill a guy in the basement and not care? Or even let his emotion change? I turn and run back up the stairs and run into the apartment and quickly shut the door and as fast as possible change I pull my hair into a messy bun and throw some stuff in a bag and walk out into the living as the door flung open and Jughead burst in.

To be continued......

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