The first day; a monsters and a pale boy

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The first day; a monsters and a pale boy

*Jessamyn POV*

After I ran out of the house I ran into some showy dressed girls. They knocked me down and I was getting mad.

“Watch it freak. You messed up my hair, gimme your brush. Oh wait,I forgot. Emo freaks don't bring a brush to school." she laughed. I could feel my anger rising.

I yanked my iPhone out and looked at my eyes. Sometimes when I get really angry my eyes turn dark purple. Sure enough, my eyes had dark purple specks in them. I reached to my high heel strap to grab my switchblade that I use to cut when a pale hand grabbed my wrist. I looked up to see who grabbed me and saw a really pale boy with an olive complexion. He had the same black hair and eyes as me, he looked about 16.

I yanked my hand away, got up and tried to run away. Key word tried. I tripped and almost fell on my face when the same pale boy caught me by my arm. He helped me get to my feet.

“Um, thanks." I mumbled, obviously embarrassed.

“No problem. I'm Nico, Nico di Angelo." he said quietly.

“I'm Jessamyn Night. Nice sword." I said just as quiet and started to walk away.

Nico seemed shocked. I ran into that showy girl again. Except this time her eyes were red, she had fangs, one of her legs were metal and the other was a donkey's. I looked at her and backed away because she looked as if she wanted to kill me. I turned to Nico, still backing away.

“T-that's a emposa." I yelled

“Yea it is. Here, take my sword I want to see something." he said, shoving his black sword into my hands.

I gripped the hilt and shed my heels with my free hand. I charged at her barefoot and swung the sword at her arm, cutting it. I then sliced the sword through her stomach, making her poof into gold dust.

Nico looked at me in awe.

“Jessamyn, pick up your backpack. I gotta talk to your parent." Nico said.

I picked up my backpack and put my heels back on. Nico grabbed my hand and started running to the nearest brick wall. Just when I thought we were about to run into it we disappeared into darkness. Next thing I know we were in my front lawn.

Nico went up to the door and knocked, his sword still in his hand. My mom opened the door in her work uniform. She looked at Nico's sword then at me.

“Is it time?" my mom asked Nico. He shook his head yes. My mom pulled us inside.She sent me upstairs to pack my suitcase with stuff I need while she talked to Nico.

I pulled out my black suitcase with skulls on it out and started packing. I started putting my black tee shirts and jeans in it neatly. Then I took my undergarments out of my dresser and put it in there. I got my shampoo, conditioner, and body wash and shoved it in there. I put my makeup bag in there (it only had deodorant, mascara, black eyeliner, black lipstick, and black eyeshadow in it) and my accessory box in my suitcase.

I dumped the contents of my backpack out. I put three of the notebooks back in it, a black pen, my diary and my iPod and charger in it. I added my phone charger and my black earbuds as well.

I slung my backpack over my shoulder and picked up my suitcase and went downstairs.

“Ok, mom. Now can you explain why you made me pack my suitcase?" I asked.

“Well, Jessamyn you are a demigod. Your father is a god. I'm taking you to a place called Camp Half-Blood where demigods like you and Nico are safe. Now put your bags in the car and hop in. I'm taking you two there in the minutes. Go grab you and Nico a Pepsi first." My mom said, then went to go grab her purse and keys.

“Wait, mom? How do you know so much about demigods?" I asked.

“Because I'm one. Daughter of Hespeastus." she said, then went to go grab her stuff.

I went to the kitchen and grabbed two Pepsis. I handed one to Nico and put my stuff in the car.

This was going to be a looonng day

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