The Hades if I know the title

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The Hades if I know the title

I woke up due to Nico screaming. I don't know what was going on. I thought about getting up and waking him up. Then I saw his pitch black sword next to him and decided not to.

About five minutes later (it felt like five hours with my ADHD) Nico shot up like a cannon. He looked at me starting at him.

“Demigod nightmares suck. Sorry if I woke you up." Nico said to me.

“It's all cool. After tonight I'll probably be waking you up. My God dreams suck. This is the first time in five years that I didn't have any sleep problems." I said. He laughed at me.

Then I heard the door to the cabin just open. Nico grabbed his sword and I reached under my pillow for my switchblade. I flipped it open and got into a battle position. Then the light switched on. Nico and I screamed and covers our eyes, dropping our weapons in the process.

“That's pathetic. Need to have the lights on to see, Death Breath. Hey, who's this. You finally got a girl?" the person who came in said. I couldn't exactly see him because my eyes were not used to the light.

“No, Seaweed Brain, this is my sister Jessamyn. Now turn the light back off." Nico yelled. The light remained on.

“Hi Jessamyn, my name is Percy Jackson, son of Poseidon." he said.

“Ok. Percy Jackson, can you turn the light off,I kinda like the dark." I replied, not missing a beat.

“I can see how you and Hades are related. You people like the dark too much. I'm leaving." he said,

~~~~Le time lapse to after lunch~~~

Well then. I just met Nico's friends, Lilian and Amity. Apparently yesterday Lilian came back to camp with Amity when I was talking to Clarisse.

Lilian is a camper who has been here for four years. She's the daughter of Apollo. Apparently Amity had fought off a monster and just came about two days ago. She was claimed by Hermes.

I still felt like I didn't fit in so I just went into the woods. I wasn't looking where I was going and ran into someone, falling down in the process. The person turned around, reveling Jacob.

“Sorry." I mumbled then walked away.

“Jessamyn, wait. I want to talk to you." he said, grabbing my arm.

“Fine. Speak." I say, climbing a low tree.

“So how's camp?" he asked me.

“Honestly, I still feel unwanted." I say, playing with my switchblade.

“Why do you feel unwanted?" he asked.

I was about to answer when someone yelled 'BOO!' I screamed and fell out of the tree. I heard Jacob yelling at someone.

Then I blacked out

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