3. Moving in with the Avengers Part 1

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~Camille's P.O.V.~

  I sat outside the door as the adults were speaking for a while, replaying the situation that happened moment before.

  Urgh! That was so embarrassing! I can't believe I let myself cry in front of them! I never let anyone see my tears, especially strangers. What if they don't want me because of it? What if I go to an orphanage? Will it be nice? Will I be bullied? Will anyone adopt me? Will I be unwanted forever? Is that why mom and dad died? To leave me? Did they leave because they didn't want me? I could feel as the tears started falling again and I used the heals of my palms to roughly wipe away the streams. Stop it Camille! You're letting your thoughts get ahead of yourself! Calm down, you're fine, everything will be fine-Not really. But I'll be okay in the end! Take a deep breath. In... Out. Calm yourself-myself-whatever.

  The door abruptly opened and Agent Danvers walked over to me followed by Tony, with Mr. Rogers right behind them.

  "Ah! Camille, there you are! Let's go." Danvers kept walking towards the elevator as he spoke. Does this mean they won't take me?

  "Go where?" I then realized Mr. Stark and Mr. Rogers were walking with him.

  "The lab." Mr. Stark-grandpa?-said as he passed me.

  "Okayyy-?" Why?


  We arrive in a room with glass screens everywhere. "Jarv, you know what to do." Cap called out to know where in particular.

  "Right away sir," I jumped at the response.

  Tony and the machines around him seemed to be getting ready for an experiment. My eyes widened when he stabs his arm with a needle an quickly draws the crimson liquid from his vein.

  He beckons me over to his side but my legs are frozen in place. I stare wide-eyed at the needle when suddenly Agent Danvers pushes me forward. I stumble over and Tony cleans the crease of my arm in preparation for what comes next. I try to tear my vision from the limb but fail to even squeeze my lids closed.

  The needle is fairly painless, hurt less than a normal shot despite staying in longer. I manage to somehow not flinch nor let any tears pool in my eyes. My breathing is rapid and shows no sign of slowing even after I'm done.

  Steve, who's presence I find strangely comforting, strides over and lays his hand on my shoulder. This somewhat calms me.

  "The results will be out in about an hour... What do we do until then?"

  "D-do you have any paper? I like to draw to pass the time." I quickly explained.

  "Steve's the artist, I'm sure he can lend you some." Tony smiled as he turned to look at him.

   "Yeah c'mon." He lead the way to his room, grabbed some pencils and paper before turning back to the living room. We sat there drawing for about two and-a-half hours when a redheaded female walked into the room.

  "Who's this?" She questioned Steve gesturing towards me.

  "This is Camille, Camille, this is Natasha." As he introduced us, he swept his arm back and forth.

  "Black widow" I didn't even try to cover up the awe in my breathless voice. [Yep, that's right. I knew who she was but didn't know who Iron Man was. She's a legend where I'm from while Stark's unheard-of.]

  "Um, hi." Her gaze returned back to the blond beside me. "And why is she here? No offense kid."

  "None taken!" My response a little too quick.

  "You remember how we told you a social worker was coming over today?" She gave a curt nod, "... Well she's the reason why. Be nice to her, because you're going to be stuck with her."

  "What?" We both say simultaneously.

  "The dame's Tony's granddaughter and we're taking her in-we adopted her-today."

  "Really!?!" My eyes light up with hope.

  "Yep. That's right." Mr. Stark joins in the conversation as he enters the room with a man with short, dark, curly hair and glasses behind him.

  "We're gonna have another small Avenger! And I'm not just taking a jab at Tony's height." Nat actually seemed to perk up with her own comment.

  "Avenger?! Me!?! Nope. Nope nope nope. I don't even have any powers or skills! I'd be a liability-and, and..."

  "Relax kid. She just wanted to see your reaction. We're not gonna put an inexperienced in the field at risk." The guy behind Tony spoke up. "I'm Bruce,-"

  Tony cut in, "Also known as the huge green rage monster." Bruce rolled his eyes.

  "Anyways, nice to meet you miss Anderson? Or is it Stark?"

  I looked to my grandfather-that's so weird to say since he doesn't look old enough to be any more than my dad even though he's in his fifties. "What do you think Camille?" He asks.

  "Umm... I'm not sure." I timidly reply. I'm not usually this nervous, but these are the Avengers!

  "How about this: if you want, you can change your last name to Stark but keep it from the public, as it would be dangerous to publicly announce that you're related to an Avenger, or stay with your name."

  I thought a moment. "... Camille Stark kind of has a nice ring to it. And I'm really good at keeping secrets." They all grinned.

  "Time to introduce you to the others" My grandfather announced ecstatically and started to bound off when a thought came to me.

  "Wait! I have one more question for you." They all stopped as Steve and Tony turned their attention back to me. "What do I call all of you? I mean, I know your names, but Mr. Stark doesn't exactly seem like the thing to call your grandfather, and you look too young to call Grandpa..." They all seemed to be as slightly confused as I am by this.

  "Well... How about just call me Tony? Or plane Stark, everyone else calls me that."

  "Okay... Stark."

  "Right back atcha... Stark" He teased, imitating my pause, causing me to laugh.

  "And Mr. Rogers is...?" I ask, placing my sight on the Captain.

  Before Steve could even respond Tony interrupted him. "Call 'im Capsicle. Don't question it, just do." They all gave humorous smirks towards this, even the Capsicle himself.

  "Nat." The Widow nonchalantly said from where she stood off to the side. But by her expression I could tell she wanted to say something else.

  "Natasha, what do you really want me to call you?" I asked expectingly.

  "... Could you call me Auntie Nat?" She seemed a bit embarrassed about that. She had only just met her but already had a soft spot for the girl. She has always had a soft spot for kids.

  "Of course Auntie Nat!" I smiled.

  "Just Bruce is fine with me." The quieter scientist spoke up.

  "Alrighty then! Let's go see the rest of the team!" I'm so excited!

  One floor below us, most of the Avengers were assembled on the couches, watching some Netflix drama I've never even heard of. When I saw them I may-or-may-not have let out a squeal.

  They all turned their heads to the high-pitched noise. Luckily, before I had to explain myself my knight out of shining armor stepped forwards.

  "Guys, this is Camille, my granddaughter. Don't question it, but know that I'm not lying. She'll be living here so I expect you all to be nice to her."

  (A/N): Sorry this chapter is so long, I had to divide into two. The second part will be uploaded soon I promise! I am also so so sorry that I'm so bad at consistently updating. Don't worry, Peter will be introduced soon! Please vote on this bad chapter so you can read the good chapters coming.


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