Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

*Gianluca’s point of view

          I heard someone going down the stairs.

          I rubbed my face with my hands.

What time was it? I looked over at the clock. It was seven A.M.

Who gets up at seven A.M.?

          I smiled to myself, shaking my head.

Naomi. Of course, Naomi.

I could hear her walking around downstairs, getting breakfast. Then I heard her go into the garage.

I sat up.

What was she doing?

After a pause, I heard the garage door opening.

Where was she going?

I jumped out of bed and pulled on my jeans. I hurried downstairs and went to the garage to discover that my bike was missing.

I ran a hand through my hair and went outside. I could see her coasting down the dirt path in the distance, her brown curls flying.

I shook my head. I should have known she’d want to go exploring.

I had discovered the day before that I didn’t really want her to be alone in Italy. It made me a little uneasy. I went to the kitchen to grab the keys to the rental car.

There was a note on the counter.

“Going to the beach, then I’ll probably go exploring elsewhere –Naomi.”

I put a note next to it.

“Going to find Naomi. –Gianluca.”    

          I grabbed some fruit out of the bowl on the counter and went to the car.

          The beach was almost deserted, a rare sight. But then again, how many people wake up at seven to go to the beach? It’s not like the beach ever gets up and leaves.

          There was an elderly couple going for a walk, a man there with two young children, and a woman tanning. There was also a beautiful girl with brown curls and sweet brown eyes sitting cross-legged on a rock, the breeze from the sea making her pull her flimsy white wrap more tightly around her.

          I watched her smile slightly and close her eyes as she inhaled deeply.

          I went up and sat behind her on the rock, my legs on either side of her, gently wrapping my arms around her middle. She stiffened at first, then realized it was me and leaned back, relaxing against me.

          I rested my chin on her head.

          “Do you have any idea what time it is?” I asked.

          “I like to get up early, remember?”

          “No kidding.”

          She laughed a little.

          “I couldn’t help it! Abruzzo is just so…magical!”

          “I know what you mean.”

          We were quiet for a while, listening to the waves and the little kids laughing.

          “Are you going to do that concert you and Piero were talking about?” she asked.

          “Yes. I made some phone calls yesterday while you were out. We’re doing it tomorrow. The owner of the theatre is letting Il Volo perform there for free, his way of welcoming us back home to Italy!”

          “That’s nice,” she said. “I can’t wait!”

          I was quiet for a moment, then I asked, “Where did you want to explore?”

          “I don’t know yet. I’ll just ride around and see- oh yeah, that reminds me, I borrowed your bike.”

          I smiled.

          “I noticed. I’m coming with you…to explore. You shouldn’t be alone in Italy.”

          “I was alone for six hours yesterday.”

          “That doesn’t mean I didn’t look for you.”

          She turned to look at me, smiling.

          “You looked for me?” she asked softly.

          “Yes, but then your mom called me and told me that you always disappear like that, and that you’d return after a few hours. She says she doesn’t like it, but she doesn’t think she’d be able to stop you if she tied you to the house.”

          “That’s right!” she said, nodding approvingly.

          “I still looked for you though, but I couldn’t find you, so I eventually went back.”

          “Don’t worry about me, Gianluca, okay?”

          “You saying that doesn’t help.”

          She turned back to the ocean and I pulled her tightly to me.

          “I do this everyday,” she told me, “And I always end up okay. I’ve always been able to get out of bad situations, and I have my phone…well, usually. I tend to lose things.”

          “Me too,” I said. “And I don’t want to lose you.

          She patted my knee.

          “Well, I always know where I am. And you can’t follow me every time I leave the house, you know.”

          “Try me.”

          She pulled away from me and turned around to sit facing me.

          She leaned forward and kissed my cheek, then, quick as a flash; she leapt off the rock and was running away.


          I clambered down and chased her across the beach and into a forest. I raced after her, dodging trees, but eventually lost sight of her.

          I turned around and around, searching.

          I cupped my hands to my mouth.


          I felt a hand on my shoulder, and spun around.

          I reached forward and wrapped my arms around her back before she could run off again.

          She laughed, and I pulled her close to my chest to kiss her.

          I released her when she pulled back, and she slipped her hands into mine.

          “Come with me today. I want to see the city.”

          I nodded.

          “Leave the car here. Let’s walk.”

          “Fine,” I said, and after putting the bike into the trunk, I began to lead her to the marketplace.

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